Mr. Guy

1. More media outlets covering the stories ad nauseam (and more ways to see those media outlets), which encourages copycats and creates a deluded sense of wanting to go down in a blaze of glory.
2. More ways on the internet to get hold of tracts and other material from other disaffected people, which in delusional

Sorry, but if there's not some warmed-over, sociology-major, revisionist sexual/racial undertone that can be teased out, Todd (who could find something offensive in a dial tone) isn't interested.


This is the best review I've read on this site and the best article since Noel Murray left. Thanks.

"You crazy car… I don't know whether to eat you or kiss you."

one of the all-time great Homer non sequiturs: “Lousy Smarch weather.”

And within two years of his leaving office… it was pretty much all over, as was the Soviet Union.
Carter/Mondale '80!

Ma, you can't just leave it there. It's a sin.

Don't forget another Woody Allen line about Hollywood:
"They're always giving out awards! 'Best Fascist Dictator: Adolf Hitler.'"

It's a good question, and for people who are genuinely interested in coming up with solutions, the answers are important. For example, the 77 percent figure averages all full-time women, no matter what education and profession, with all full-time men. For men and women who work 40 hours weekly, the ratio is 88


And unions. But you probably prefer not to remember that part.

Aren't "Eric's Trip" and "Rain King" also Ranaldo tracks? Definitely two of my favorites. I've always liked Lee's voice because it comes off as more jaded and a little less melodic than Thurston/Kim. I don't know if I could stand a whole album of Lee's stuff, but as counterparts to Thurston/Kim's songs, they are

As much as I love "Kool Thing," holy cow, do I hate Chuck D's cameo appearance on that track. What was the point of bringing him in just to speak a few canned, generic lyrics? ("Tell it like it is!" "Yeah!" "Word up!" etc.) Was this supposed to be an ironic use of Chuck D? If so, okay, I guess that's interesting. If

"Am I being too sensitive about the lesbian jokes on this show?"

This is a truly baffling comment.  So a show that features lesbians in a positive light — which Friends no doubt did — doesn't get to claim "diversity" because featuring lesbians in a positive light was less common in the 1990s (and on network television, no less)?  Odd logic.

Far more familiar with them than you were with the Bernard Shaw reference in this episode.  But you probably didn't get that joke, since you were still in diapers (if that) during the '88 campaign. 

There's definitely one episode where Homer referred to GWB (though not by name) as "Commander Cuckoo-Bananas," but even that's sort of subtle. 

I see what you did there—someone said to "imagine" a scenario, and you went ahead and typed one out!  Unfortunately, it was ham-handed and unfunny.  Better luck next time.

If you seriously think "awful, manipulative, slanderous methods of campaign advertising" are the exclusive domain of Republicans, then you probably don't watch much campaign advertising.