
Ha, you're right…and it really is an interesting question about how he bounced back…and why he did. He had such a solid run from Animal House to Coming to America, a few classics and solid comedy flicks featuring a bunch of SNL players. Some have aged better than others, but I have fond memories of a lot of his films.

Ha, for some reason it was one of those things that lived in my blind spot. I knew there had to be something out there, but I always kind of forgot to look it up until the discussion started here. Thanks for the recommendation…I'll get reading!

This is such great stuff, such great intrigue. I wonder if there is a book out there that chronicles all of this? One of the great Hollywood stories. And Landis and Spielberg were so close for a while—that all ended pretty quickly.

The rise and fall of Cimino is one of the great Hollywood stories, and he left us with an amount of work that inspires debate, derision and awe. The Deer Hunter was one of those seminal movies, along with Coppola and Scorsese's work, that defines that 70s auteur aesthetic that has inspired and fascinated so many of us.

Ha, that's a pretty good accident that really does improve things quite a bit! And I like that reading of the story…just ending it there.

Ha, that's actually pretty perfect.

It WAS pretty weird! It changed the whole dynamic of everything, and then Old Becky came back with her usual character and then left again. New Becky was like "the silly hot girl," which really made no sense at all.

This is a great comment and very very true. I would also say maybe The Wall! Side 4 is kind of silly. I realize that means you listen without getting the resolution to the story—but, eh, who cares. Those first three sides are some of Floyd's best work.

The Donner cut of Superman II is pretty interesting—more of an experiment than a film, really, but it gives viewers a good idea of what might have been.

Plus, you'd miss Zisky on the Russians: THEY'RE PUSSIES!

And the ABC season also had Eliza Coupe, who kills it as usual. It's got its moments but it's a completely different show for sure.

Ha, oooof. Still mindblowing that that segment even made it in the film, chopped up as it was. It is truly terrible as just a film and made monumentally worse by watching Vic acting in this thing, knowing he was going to die any day.

I agree on Roseanne so, so, so much. One of my favorite sitcoms that had a particular voice and point of view that was really a breath of fresh air at the time.

Ugh…yes, that shit is vile. Nothing like biting into some gourmet cookie of some kind that someone raves about and then getting hit with that bitter black licorice shit taste.

Ha ha…for many of us, it sank with the word: War!

You are exactly right. The one thing, the ONE THING that the prequels were supposed to explain—his fall to the dark side — is pushed into the third film and given a three-minute span. Not only is that just lazy writing—but, of course, it undermines the entire reason the prequels were supposed to exist.

It really is an amazing little film—a gritty action movie with some really interesting performances. The effects have aged pretty badly (the scene where Big T takes out his eyeball is pretty bad), but, for whatever reason, it doesn't really matter.

Indeed. All three prequels really are ugly films. I think the sound design is the only thing to come out unscathed. Well, maybe Ewan McGregor, too.

Absolutely…no shame, ever! I used to be embarrassed by my soap watching, but I'm at the age where I really don't care anymore. Very freeing.

Police Squad! So ahead of its time…so damn good. I'm thankful we got The Naked Gun films, but that show was gone way too soon.