
I watched his Scrooge for the first time last year, and it is so so different than others that I wasn't sure what to think. Definitely more subtle and somber and more realistic.

Well, take care of yourself, Chicago. But I guess that's what you're best at!

Hey there, fellow soap fan! I always watch General Hospital when I visit my sister. We also like to watch the Young and the Restless—and I do admit to getting hooked on the Bold and the Beautiful — the recent storyline of Liam, Wyatt and the kidnapping was incredibly silly but fun as hell.

Used to love the Game Show network when it was a novelty—would visit my parents and love to watch some of the original shows: Lingo, Russian Roulette, Friend or Foe. Loved Match Game reruns, too. Now I have it on my cable, but it seems to just be 24/7 Family Feud and it's not nearly as good.

Ha ha…oh, god, now I will always think of this. Well, Luke and Lando both missed out on the only woman in the galaxy, I guess—except for that lady who ran the ion cannon on Hoth.

Ha ha…oh, god, I forgot all about that.

I feel the same way about it. All the Emperor/Vader/Luke stuff is just superb. The opening, though, while entertaining (The gang's all back together!) doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I like to see Luke kicking ass. After that, until you reach the space battle, it's a weird slog—filmed much too brightly,

Blockades! Taxes! Little boys who see angels!

That's one of the frustrating things about the prequels, I think, in that the force powers seem monumentally different than what we see in the original films.

Indeed, sir. I've always been kind of fascinated by the different Vaders in the three films. Empire is clearly his best work—stone cold badass. In Jedi, he sounds sadder, older, clogged up—it's a really nice subtle shift that I hope was intentional. The fact that this was the first movie where we really get to see how

I always remember that one EU novel, it might have been one of the good Zahn books—where Lando makes a big deal out of making hot chocolate for Luke. It was just really, really silly.

Oh, for sure. Her conversation with Governor Tarkin is still one of the most hilarious things about that movie!

Indeed…and you can see him having the conversion right as Palpatine is giving Luke the force lighting. Heck, you could say he even started to have it during the conversation on Endor. He's gotta know he's taking either Luke or himself to his death in the throne room. And then, finally, he sees Palpatine hurting Luke

No kidding! I was hoping that Rogue One was going to have a badass Vader cameo, showing him doing some badass Vader stuff, circa Empire Strikes Back. I'm still holding out for a standalone Vader movie, maybe? Hunting down Jedi between episodes III and IV? Come on, Disney!

Indeed. If there is anyone who needs to be back in a new Star Wars film, it's McGregor, not Hayden.

You don't remember the fireside chat with Anakin begging for sex and Padme in her leather outfit saying she couldn't be in love because she was………a SENATOR?!

Are you an angel?

Damn…I didn't even know that about Rebels. Thanks…I will check this show out for sure now! Has it been worth it otherwise?

Ha ha…holy shit, I had forgotten all about her shitty royal accent or whatever the hell she was trying to do there. She says something to young Anakin: "We will tell her how it goes with you…" or some kind or tortured phrase like that, and she is so robotic and ridiculous that it almost defies belief.

Oooh, I'll check out the Oswalt one for sure. I often even forget I have Hulu. I may just start watching 30 Rock reruns again.