
You know what's funny is that I really don't care about the actual winners and losers—except for maybe Phelps and Bolt. But I like having the games on in the background, flipping to the various other channels that will have them on, etc. I like the sounds of the competitions, the cheering, the stories, all of that.

Guys, I…I've been watching the last few weeks of The Bachelorette. It's terrible, baseline reality horseshit, but I kind of like it.

Have you checked out Breathed's new Bloom County on his Facebook page? It's really, really good stuff. So happy they are back. Seems like he hasn't missed a beat, and the art is as good as ever for the format.

I love that! Motherfucker will not give up.

When he's so tired and worn out in the cabin—that was what sealed him as a real guy, someone we rooted for, someone we cared about. It hurt everywhere, and he drifts off after a kiss, too tired to do anything else. It's a great character moment in a movie filled with them.

Ha, or the one Chuck Norris did with Lou Gossett: FIREWALKER.

This is a great point. Ford always had a knack for getting his ass kicked in interesting ways—ways that really showed how much that shit might hurt. He did the same thing in Blade Runner. He just gets believably pummeled in that movie. Heck, even when Lando punches him in Empire—he really sells it and that makes his

Goddamned right it would have.

Ha, I was just thinking that. She replaced someone, I think, and the show was really good for a while. Then Kari herself was replaced a couple of times, and it was never the same.

I want classic 120 minutes with maybe Kevin Seal hosting? Was he ever on there or am I misremembering?

Ha, indeed…or her reproaching me for killing poor Boris.

Ha ha! Believe me, I try. And it seems I can resist a lot of other things that I know are going to be crappy, at least to me. But Star Wars exists in my blind spot. You'd think I'd have learned from the prequels, but The Force Awakens got me interested again. So I blame Disney for my problems because, well, Disney.

This made me laugh like a goddamned loon at work, thank you. I'm just picturing it in Cushing's accent and incredulous line reading….ha ha, holy shit.

Hey, man, I'm doing the best I can. Therapy can only help so much.

Don't forget "A Simple Kind of Life"! I'm kind of neutral on most of their work, but something about that song just hits me right in the spine. I think it's the crunch and the drumwork on the chorus.

Love the guitar crunch in this song…very Lifeson-esque with maybe a little AC/DC thrown in there?

Creedance, yes, without a doubt. It's stunning listening to so many classics back to back…a truly amazing run of work. And The Cars hit packages are top notch.

Yes! So good, and one of his more interesting songs, too. Nice moody keyboard, a great Campbell guitar part, kind of a haunting little tune. The image of Petty in the video pushing over the video game and then twirling a gun is seared into my 80s-addicted brain.

Me too, man. And I'll hate myself for shelling out the money, reading all the spoilers, getting excited about the trailers. All over again. Over and over. I have no control! And this is just what Disney banked on, and I'm falling right into the trap. Because we hope beyond hope that it might be great, but it will just

This is very true. It's too bad, too—his solo albums, especially Out of the Cradle, are pure pop craftsmanship—catchy, dense, emotional, just amazing stuff. And Mac wishes like hell that Buckingham had recorded "Trouble" while in the band.