
Yes indeed—his solo version of Big Love is fucking insanely good.

I've never thought of this before, but it makes perfect sense. Individual personalities coming to the forefront, a certain kind of spare sound in places, a certain bit of filler, anger, some dives off the deep end…very nice comparison.

Ha ha, me too! I nearly squealed with delight when the episode finally made its way online. I watched it like three times in one weekend. The knee stuff is hilarious— and then Joel does the sketch where he explains blocking. One of the amazing things about MST3K is that, for many of us, they just seemed like they were

Ha, I love that episode. MST3K works so well on timing and buildup…it ratchets and ratchets, and then there is a riff that will blow it all open for me, and I'll laugh uncontrollably through the next several minutes no matter what the riff is. Great memories of watching it late on Comedy Central each night…it's been a

Indeed! I love the henchman guy with the changing haircuts: "Yeah…I'll take a walk…" OVER TO KIRK DOUGLAS' HOUSE.

I think this is my all-time favorite riff.

Yes on Soul Taker! So many great 80s riffs on the music, bad hair, outfits—so good.

Rifftrax did Manos? Holy poop…I've gotta see this.

Definitely a candidate for a first-timer…so goddamned funny. Hi, I'm BOB EVIL.

Another Gila fan! When the film blacks out for a moment and Crow says: "I think her braces shorted out the house," I laughed so hard and long that someone had to come and check on me. That was my entry point to a lifetime of fandom.

"On the boulevard!"

This is beautiful…I had forgotten all about it. Amazing film.

They did! Will Ferrell and Garth Brooks. Brooks plays a guy who wants to sell his soul for a hit song and Satan shows up to play some pretty awful, but funny, songs: "Fast car, on the highway, on the byway, Mister Robotron."

I remember those! I seem to recall a bunch of Roger Moore flicks looking particularly evocative. They almost seem like Choose Your Own Adventure cover art in my memory, at least.

Me too, man. Loved browsing the aisles, looking at all the garish box art, oftentimes picking a flick based just on that. Lots of great memories there, and found a lot of films I still love to this day. When those places starting renting out video games, we all thought we were in heaven!

I've been hearing a lot about all of this…I'm still able to access my AV Club-only account, but I bet it won't be for long! I do have a disqus account with the same name and all of that, but it's SPECIAL over here, you know what I mean?

I hear ya. I'm in the media, and I just can't stand any of it anymore. This week at the RNC is just too insane for words. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so goddamned sad.

Revolver is still the benchmark of 60s' melodicism, experimentation and The Beatles in general, I think. Listened to it again recently — seems like I listen again every couple of months — and I am always taken aback at how harsh and stark the sound is, but also how rich and expansive. So much death and wintry,

"Merp, I'm going to take back some of the things I've said about you…" *hands merp a Nestle Crunch bar* "You, you've earned it."

Ha, indeed. He and Murray were really a great team. They had an easy rapport and really gave off a vibe of being true friends. Ramis just had a way of being funny and chill at the same time that always worked for his characters.