

Indeed, sir. I've been watching "Diaper Money" and "We're Back" a lot on youtube lately. I mean, that shit is funny: "Motherfucker's got horse blood. What ya'll got?"

Ah, shit, sorry. Didn't read close enough!

Very nice! I remember seeing it in the theater—people were having a fucking great time, had never seen special effects like that. Wild ride, lots of amazing action—just doesn't get any better than that.

It's great! I still trot out the old "I know it, you know, yellow dog knows it" whenever I'm trying to make a point.

I always thought Funny Farm was pretty damn good, sort of unheralded, a bit of a sleeper. The small town characters are very funny, situations are pretty bizarre—and Chase is actually at his best in the film. Not as smarmy as usual, and he has a couple of nice human moments toward the end when he realizes how much of

It's true. These nerds have no dicks.

Someone needs to make this happen. Dig him up and let's go…couldn't be any worse than Spectre.

This…this is beautiful.

Ha ha…native Arkansan here. Who won the Civil War? Really? I mean, I went to school there, and I got my degree by learning Dueling Banjos and cooking up a nice possum recipe, but jeez, guys! Get it together!

GODDAMNIT. Forgot about that "change."

I will never stop loving this.

I still love watching that scene where he makes his decision. No words spoken, just the flash of lightning and shots of Vader looking back and forth between his son and this evil demon who has controlled him for so long. Sure, the mask is by nature emotionless, without expression—but the beauty of the moment, his

Oh yes…the mask was AWFUL in IV. I do like the beginning of the film, though—it does have a nice creepy vice for sure.

Indeed. IV and everything after are such a slog. Even the main theme, so sinister in I and II, is boring and watered down. At least Season of the Witch has a womanizing doctor, maniacal villains and that Shamrock song. I'll watch that any time over all the druid nonsense they tried to shoehorn in later sequels.

I love, love, love the shot you mention. The shot where Tommy looks out the window and sees Michael just STANDING there at night or when he sees Michael carrying Annie's body around the side of the house—that's the stuff of true nightmares. So many great moments like that in the original film.

Ouch. Kind of true, though!

Ha ha! I think I first saw him in "Waiting," and that was wall to wall snark. Watched Deadpool recently and he hasn't changed a bit! Even though I kind of like both films, I feel bad about it.

It certainly makes a lot of sense—and the next time I watch it, I will definitely do so with that theory in mind. So many great moments—the radio "bumpers" she listens to while driving and then walking down that beautiful stairway to the lighthouse is one of my favorite things in all of Carpenter's filmography. It's a

I agree…The Fog as Halloween sequel would have worked much better than II's insistence on starting the very SECOND the first one ended. We would have done away with all the brother/sister nonsense, too. I like a lot of II's atmospherics but it's a rushed hack job although I know Carpenter wrote it and refilmed a lot