
Ha…I like that a lot! I don't think I've ever heard that. I would love to see more of her character if only because it meant more Tom Atkins.

JEN. NY. HAY. DEN. The music at the end when he flies away while the camera stays panned on her face is perfection.

Excellent choice. The opening credits of The Fog last about a half hour, and they are the best part of the film. It almost seems like a Halloween sequel to me since so many of the same actors are involved. It's a quiet film, full of dread. Kind of collapses a little bit toward the end, but it's still one of my

Halloween has so much emotional resonance for me…I, too, love it more than most people. Perhaps it seems overrated to some because of the legion of imitators and an entire genre sprouting up around it, endless shitty sequels, remakes, reboots, whatever the hell.

The Thing for sure. Halloween, maybe? I think those two have all his particular brand of genius and serve as the template for the rest of his career.

Old Brown Shoe is a great George Harrison B-side with a killer McCartney bass line. It's kind of infectious! Devil in her Heart, which is a cover, kind of sucks.

Agreed. I loved the first two Craig movies but didn't care much for the last two at all because of the reasons you mention. I kind of detest the word "Reboot," but either they need to do an even more serious breakdown of his character and make it honest or they need to go back to just fun spy adventures without all

I always liked iCarly, and I'm tired of apologizing for it! I was shored up with the flu a few years ago, and there was a marathon of it all day. It went from I've got to turn this shit off to this is kind of funny to I MUST WATCH ALL THE EPISODES.

Yes! This is it, entirely. Why have an actor of such charisma bite it so soon? Just makes no sense to me.

This is a great comment, thank you for putting so much thought into all of it. As a frustrated Godzilla fan, I was looking forward to the Cranston film—but I was bored silly by it and there was something else about it that I just couldn't articulate.

And Michelle Pfieffer writhing on a ladder! And "Prowlin'"!

Ha ha! I love how Peanuts and its language and characters are pretty much a part of casual conversation for so many of us. We've all felt like Charlie Brown at many points in our lives, I'm sure!

Yikes…I am definitely curious, though. Looks like the kind of thing to read a wikipedia entry for and then be done with it. And I know what you mean: A bad book or book series or at least an odd one can cause a big disconnect on how you picture the characters.

This is pretty great. I'd really like to see this movie. And keep Jynx from Die Another Day a million miles away from this, please.

Ha, it's mostly nostalgia for me, I suppose. I do find a lot of it frustrating when I replay now, but I like the character design and a lot of the challenges and mini-games. Although I do hate Beaver Bother…and that level in the factory when you have to play the old Donkey Kong game.

How about Donkey Kong 64's Gloomy Galleon? Having to keep going back into the main room and raising and lowering the water level for every little thing. Gah! And of course, so much goddamned swimming to the bottom of every little area only to find out the bananas are for a different character. Gah again!

I…I feel like I've found my people. Clanker's Cavern was always such a pain in the ass, and Banjo is probably still my all-time favorite game. And how many times I slipped or hit a fan blade in Rusty Bucket…damnit! Freaking Mr. Vile. I used to skip that one and come back to it at the very end.

That is a pretty good one! I also liked the next one where he battles the girl with telekinesis. It was just cool to see Jason actually get beaten up a couple of times…added some tension, I guess, to a fairly typical slasher film.

Does anyone remember the Happy Endings episode where Dave is haunting everyone's sex dreams and then he shows up in the cafe wearing a kick-ass red and green striped sweater?

Oh shit, you are right! All these years and I misremembered!