Harris Yulins Goatee

They should've bit the bullet and called it Barsoom.

No, the least shocking thing ever was Layne Staley dying of a drug overdose.

I fucking hate the Eagles, man.

There are only two things in the world I can't stand: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Harrison Ford Finger right in ENDER'S FACE.

PJ Harvey's Let England Shake not an important album? I think that metric might be too subjective. Best album of 2011, imo.

Laziest music video, ever, and I repeat-watched Left of Reckoning for most of my senior year in high school.

Wasn't James Hong the voice of Bucky?

I didn't drop their streaming service because of the price hike, I dropped the streaming service because I haven't used it it two months. They need more content.

This is the only zombie film where I can suspend disbelief long enough to enjoy it. Thus, it is the only zombie movie I like.

the episode with the Reaganing

Wrong, worst episode of Buffy is Normal Again.

Anybody notice the new guitar player is the guy who isn't looking up into the camera?

Gonna stick up for U2's Zooropa. Yeah, that's right: I think that albums is great. It was definitely their best post-Joshua Tree album and, for better or for worse, presaged a lot of what was going to happen to rock/pop/alternative music for the next decade, at least until emo became indierock (genre, not

…brought to by the Ham Council.

Why no Fay Grimm or Henry Fool?

The show was called Buffy the Vampire Slayer, not Faith the Vampire Slayer. It was a corner they painted themselves into via the title.

Aerial Combat
That was some good lookin' CGI.

The music
the music in that trailer is fricken awesome.