Harris Yulins Goatee

My opinion about audiences: they are not to be trusted. Most of them can't find the subtext with both hands.

Can we get Jeff Goldblum to do an Allen-Ginsberg-later-in-life-maybe-with-the-Mary-Pranksters movie?

'82 was a really good year for movies.

You'll find more Holst in the scores of James Horner (see: Wrath of Khan, Aliens) than John Williams. If you are going to try to rip the Star Wars scores, at least try to get the inspirations right: Wagner, Rozsa, Korngold.

I think when people talk about dark Wesley being "cool" and "awesome", that they are mostly talking about how audacious it is for television to have a character like Wesley and also handle it this well. You don't get a character like Wesley on a lot of television (outside HBO and Showtime, anyway).

Hemsworth and Pine should've had their roles reversed in Star Trek.

They were deemed unplayable long before they were ruined by the vomit.

True Story
I worked in a record store that was next door to a liquor store. Once a week, usually Thursday, first thing in the morning, this little drunk dude would come in and go to one of the listening stations. He was obviously waiting for the liquor store to open. He was always mussed-up looking; you could tell

Tyler Perry
If you say his name in a dark room while looking into a mirror, does he appear?

I do not understand the appeal of this actor/comedian. He's the embodiment of everything mediocre in entertainment these days.

I had more of a problem with Jordan Catalano. Dude has sucked in everything he's been in that wasn't directed by David Fincher and his band sucks too.
I always thought that Jolie was delightfully weird, but her role would've been better in the hands of someone used to playing weird, like Helena Bonham-Carter, or

If U2 would stop the earnest ballad crap, rediscover that zooropa-era tongue-in-cheek commentary-on-the-form thing/irony, they would put out better albums.

Not a good movie, really.

Wrecked is the worst episode, hands down, of Buffy
It was where Buffy jumped the shark, and everything after this point, while intermittently entertaining, should be treated as expanded universe, or even fanfic.

In this day and age, bold and uncompromising ARE genius mostly because of the amount of bending over most filmmakers have to do to get their stuff made. Seriously, whether you like them or not, The Passion of the Christ and Apocalypto are movies with gigantic balls. Movies with gigantic balls do not happen regularly,

Once More with Feeling
my favorite joke in that episode is Anya talking about how the fourth wall was missing in their apartment.

Ruffalo is relatable because he's a terrorist.

all of the product placement on Chuck is distracting, but not as distracting as the length they will go to show Yvonne Strahovski in either a wet t-shirt, Lara Croft get-up, or underwear.

That was Richard Chamberlain?

Ellie's 'stang
I want Ellie to get intersected so bad. Would MAKE the show cross-over into audaciously kick ass territory.