

He was arrested twice for murder and his mother helped destroy the city… As a candidate, he is almost too good to be true: voters will be suspicious.

After all this trouble to bring back Sara (yay!), I can't wait for them to explain why she has to leave her family immediately and join the spin-off.

Stein is rather cold: "We are going to merge our bodies and minds so please… call me 'Professor'."

When Barry told Caitlin it was time to move on and try new things, all with a soap opera music, I thought they would end up together at the end of this episode for sure.

JOE: "What is it with you and my partners"

It's not really racist, he also has a white man telling him what to do! That's almost like being smart.

Much better than Atom Smasher and that was just three episodes ago. I guess the night makes all CGI more realistic… Also, using a giant shark-man.

This show has jumped the giant shark-man. A+

"Better let him find out later and see what happens!"
-The Flash, Iris, Joe and Cisco motto.

- I'm not really good at lying.
- You better learn, quick.

Such a shame, Joe almost had his "3 episodes without lying to Iris" badge.

Didn't know there would be a Days of Our Lives/The Flash crossover!

It has to be the first time Agents of SHIELD and "excellence" have been mentioned in the same sentence. That show is still boring, and graded on an extremely generous curve. But of course its remaining fans seem more passionate than ever…

It was Kidnap-A-Girl week in the Arrowverse… like most weeks!

Why did the black nerd at Generic Corporation have his own theme music? Seems they are already planning another spin-off!

Obviously Lazarus Pit-enraged Thea will be the conservative!

Oliver Queen for Mayor!

Perhaps Oliver's lecture to Thea about self-control would have been more convincing if he didn't start the episode by shooting two goons straight in the heart.

It took Robert Queen decades to build his empire. Ray shows up for 6 months, mostly puts his own name everywhere then blows up the building; and the company is his legacy now? Classic Palmer.