
That child is so getting sued.

What if Boston legal drama, but with Edward Snowden? Damn, already taken…


Always a pleasure to read a F review, don't wait three years for the next one!

Obviously: Gal Gadot isn't opposed to slaughtering innocent people in the Middle East in all cases.

"frankly, it's interesting to see the First World War used for something
other than a setting for rather melodramatic handwringing about the
Horrors Of Trench Warfare (tm)"

- What the hell was this beeping music? I thought my alarm went off.

You're right, she looks almost as Egyptian as Chadwick Boseman!

Meh, the Flash's powers and the way he uses them never makes sense. I assume Speed Force something something.

Also repetition, with Barry going back in time… And it is weird how this crossover didn't actually set up Legends of Tomorrow at all, besides sending the Hawkpersons on their way. It did introduce the villain, but then he is immediately defeated? That is strange if the goal was to make him the biggest threat possible.

It is unlikely the Flash viewers tuning in for the crossover necessarily enjoyed the soap opera genius that is Arrow, but I liked it. It sure beats the Waller torture lessons of last year.

All these white guys in Egypt… Was it a crossover with Gods of Egypt?

- Don't watch previews, but if you do:
- Don't mention previews here.

Today: Added Ray Palmer to The List.

I love the actor playing Dhark. He brings out the best out of the cheesy soap opera genius that is dialogue in Arrow:

He's Chinese, that is scary!

It is the second best thing to ever happen in the Arrowverse (after Sara's resurrection).

That was the other Sara! Now she can be Green Sara… Wait, Oliver beat her to it. Or White Canary… Nah, Gandalf already did it.

It would be better if the consultant guy uncovered a secret in Oliver's past that (for the first time) doesn't make him look like an insane dilettante.

What's his program anyway, besides getting elected with 99% of the votes? He should be to the left of Bernie Sanders but watch as the show avoids any politics.