asshole tourist

Venus on a clam in a sea of shitty foam is next week's drag challenge.

The reading challenge is one of my favorites, too — it really separates the wit from the chaff.

Additionally — DS9 wrote comedic episodes much better than TNG. The Ferengi episodes in this series were what redeemed the species for me, and those have become some of my favorite episodes in the Trek-verse. Of course, I'm betting they'll all be panned in the AVC reviews. Prove me wrong, Zack, prove me wrong…

I haven't read all the comments, but has anyone pointed out that Ferengi is the Hindi word for "foreigner"? The very first episode where they're introduced in TNG even has Riker compare them to British colonial exploitationists. I'd argue that as a Star Trek culture, the Ferengi are less a broad racial stereotype of

A better reality show theme would be…
"That's My Bunk, Bitch"

Women be snackin'.

these vids are too long for Twitter
What's the difference between posting a 2:14-long video on Twitter, as opposed to YouTube? If Twitter limits the amount of text users can post, the same should be done for videos. Anything longer than 15 seconds should be cut off as too freakin' long. Cater to the attention spans of

Damn. And here I was hoping a Yorkie was the size of a Yorkshire terrier. You fellas can keep your "no women" bar, I suppose.

I suppose that's better than the taste of chocolate-enrobed hydrochloric acid in your mouth.

+5 points for the Yeats reference.

I seriously had no intention of attempting a "first" with this post, for the matter…though I'll accept your scorning disbelief with quiet dignity.

First impression from the title
Before I saw the poster, my first thought from your title was "Oh, Dane Cook has a new movie."

If I say I don't believe in fairies, does that mean he'll go away?

I distinctly remember seeing him in a pink argyle vest once. I think he's just a checkered sweater kind of man.

Sigh…curse you, comment replicator devil!

Onion Store Comment thread??!!
Do Onion Store t-shirts count as sufficiently indie-hipster-d-bag enough to wear while working out to this shit? Because that's the only reason I can think why there's a banner ad in the middle of the comments section.

Onion Store Comment thread??!!
Do Onion Store t-shirts count as sufficiently indie-hipster-d-bag enough to wear while working out to this shit? Because that's the only reason I can think why there's a banner ad in the middle of the comments section.

Onion Store Comment thread??!!
Do Onion Store t-shirts count as sufficiently indie-hipster-d-bag enough to wear while working out to this shit? Because that's the only reason I can think why there's a banner ad in the middle of the comments section.

These might go well with beer cheese
I dare you to try beer cheese if you can find it. I'd send some that I received as a gift once, but I had to throw it out because its smell was tainting everything else in my fridge.

Yep. Next week is gonna taste like chicken…and ambrosia. Chicken ambrosia salad. Mm-MM!