I want to believe.
I want to believe.
I absolutely loved not seeing Roman stand tall at the end of that Lesnar segment. I was worried once Reigns hit the godawful Superman Punch (ugh please stop) that Brock wasn't going to get the last stand because he sold that punch so well. Seeing Reigns take an F5 was SO DAMN SATISFYING.
I don't know. The first Hunger Games was incredibly average and the third one was one of the most boring movies I've paid to see in a theater. Part 2 was solid though. I never bothered with the final film.
I went to see Eclipse with my girlfriend at the time and the entire row of teenaged girls in front of us absolutely squealed with delight every time Jacob was on screen.
I've seen all of these movies for various reasons. Those reasons include: date nights, morbid curiosity, utter boredom, and self-loathing. I weirdly enjoyed New Moon the best though looking back that's surely nostalgia speaking to me (I saw it during a particularly special time in my life) with Breaking Dawn — Part 2…
I was mostly being facetious. Every actor stars in a stinker now and then. Even Daniel Day Lewis was in Nine or whatever that fiasco was called!
I saw Out of Sight in theaters in 1998 and remember telling everyone how great it was. The response I got back was basically "Haha, you like Jennifer Lopez durrr" from most people unfortunately.
I also liked that scene with Murphy. I have vivid memories of the still-beating heart. That was all kinds of horrifying.
Then how does he explain Multiplicity and Jack Snow or whatever it was called (the movie where he played a sentient snowman)??? Keaton rocks, but his career choices are nowhere near bulletproof.
Jericho definitely deserves to be on "The List" (of WWE MVPs!) as well, I agree. When he came back last year and started feuding with New Day, I thought the angle was *awful*. But the feud with Styles was excellent (even if I think Styles should have gone over at WrestleMania) and Jericho continued to be entertaining…
Alexa Bliss has done *great* work with what she's been given. She is definitely an MVP for WWE in 2016.
Here's my list of MVPs for the year:
AJ Styles — needs no explanation; best wrestler on the planet currently
Baron Corbin — has monster potential; ended 2016 looking strong as hell
The Miz — my pick for "Comeback Star of the Year" if that existed
Shinsuke Nakamura — he has been amazing in NXT
The Revival — the best tag…
I hope his fine is permanent banishment from the internet.
Which is exactly what they did with Rusev in the Reigns/Rusev feud as well. Rusev never once pinned Reigns during that entire feud, meanwhile his wife was constantly being disrespected. How the hell was Rusev supposed to be the heel in that feud? The booking made NO sense.
Agreed 100%. It doesn't help that Roman's booking has been horrendous, because he actually is one of the better workers (especially for his size) on the roster. He's really developed into a solid in-ring worker. But his character work, mic skills, and booking (which isn't his fault admittedly) are all ATROCIOUS.
It's too bad, because the second season of Marco Polo was actually really good and the show seemed to have a lot of momentum. Benedict Wong is excellent as the Khan as well. I never understood why it got so much hate. The first season wasn't great, but I didn't think it was anywhere near hate-able.
I'm laughing right now just thinking about it.
The writers didn't let that plot go. Charles fell in love with Vivian, a woman who actually returned his affection. By the end of that relationship, Charles had moved on from his crush on Rosa.
How was the movie a dud other than critically? It was a huge hit financially.
I … actually liked Suicide Squad. I know, I know… how dare I enjoy something the internet has deemed total trash.