It's a great trailer.
It's a great trailer.
I can't believe Stomach Butt didn't warrant a single mention.
Wyatt started appearing as a face there for a minute before it seemed WWE changed their course. I think he could be a Steve Austin-esque face where he's a heel except he's against "authority."
"Soccer mom" was a fairly regular insult directed at AJ Styles for a while there.
I just watched a *ton* of PPVs from 1995 to 1997 (some of WWF's darkest days btw) and there is a lot wrong with the program. Shawn Michaels' in-ring talent is not one of them. Sure, the guy was reportedly a total asshole behind the scenes (everything I've read about him recently indicates he regrets this and has…
Corbin is really good and has monster heel potential. The moment he clicked for me was his match against Apollo Crews in London last year. I still can't believe Corbin was booked to go over Crews as it seemed Apollo was getting a monster babyface push at the time. Corbin's "anti-indie" gimmick was awesome.
It was long but you got there eventually.
It's terrible. I agree that it's one of the worst signature moves in the WWE. It's almost embarrassing how many times Cole yells out "SUPERMAN PUNCH!" as if it's the goddamn RKO or something.
I often wonder why the internet at large gives Glover such a pass. He's always come off a bit of a petulant, spoiled brat to me. His popularity online is somewhat baffling.
Oh yeah, that guy.
I forgot about the match against Asuka. Like, totally and completely forgot about it.
It was actually a weakness for Nia's character to some extent in NXT as well. Braun Strowman is having the same problems on the main roster. Braun seems to be getting over though — he got a good reaction last night.
Rollins is the best worker in the business. When he briefly matched up against Styles last night I'm pretty sure I popped a boner.
Survivor Series reactions:
The Andrew Lincoln one pisses me off so much. Would it have been *that* hard to cast Josh Holloway, who is a native Georgian, in that role instead?
I watched it on Netflix earlier this year and couldn't make it through the whole thing. It is so unbelievably dour and not fun.
I honestly don't think New Day has had a great match since they were battling Tyson Kidd (I just made myself sad) and Cesaro in spring of 2015.
Consistently getting the least out of the best talent is the absolute best way I've ever seen modern WWE described.
NXT is indeed run at a loss.
I still think "Real American" is the greatest entrance theme ever, even if that might not be a popular opinion considering the wrestler who uses it. But Nakamura's theme is excellent. Actually, most of the NXT themes are great. I love Balor's, Bayley's, Asuka's, Joe's, and even Apollo Crew's as well. I think the…