The Cage

I want to see Nakamura vs. Roman Reigns for the US Title sooner than later. I think Nak could get so much out of Roman (like how AJ did). It would be great for Reigns' continued development as well. Plus, it'd be battle of the no-sellers, but in a good way.

The Revival is so GREAT. I wish they were more over with the crowd, but I guess that's to be expected with certain heels. I absolutely love their tag team psychology. It's unfortunate, but I can't see them getting the same reaction on the main roster because I don't think they'd be allowed the time nor the freedom in

Still cheaper than karate lessons.

The worst ever opening monologue song was when Jane Lynch hosted. Just a terrible, terrible opening song. Unfunny and seemed to go on for ages. WHY do they continually force us to listen to people sing who should not be singing?

Good god I remember when that was SO awesome. We did not expect a lot from 90s action movies apparently.

I really, really like the live-action Super Mario Bros. movie. I think it's actually secretly good. It's just incredibly incompetently directed I think. The action sequences are atrocious in particular. But Hoskins, Leguizamo, and Hopper nail their roles. Hoskins in particular is great as Mario. The script is actually

They're called TwiMoms. Everything must be obnoxiously shortened. It's 2016, dude. 'Scuse me, I mean '016. My bad (oops, my 'b').

I saw this last night as it opened early in my country and my ladyfriend was really excited to see it. Let me preface by saying I'm not a fan of Harry Potter and have never read the books, though I've seen like 5 of the movies (I really enjoyed Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire but haven't seen them in probably

Well I also have furniture from IKEA, so yeah.

I went on a tour of a Budweiser brewery a few years back and was really impressed with their operation. I had never really given a shit about Budweiser until going on that tour. I walked away with an appreciation and respect for the sheer size of their operation. I understand why they get so much shit from beer snobs,

I don't even remember which one On Stranger Tides was.

I'll be sure to abandon a term I rarely use because a section of a website dedicated to curating things on the internet told me to.

I don't understand why cops try to hide being cops so consistently on this show. Who cares that they're cops? I understand to an extent Jim saying he's a science teacher rather than a proprietor of legal weed, but why does it seem like multiple cops have done this in the past?

If that cast list is true, I'm wondering what possibly Cirie and Ozzy could offer us a fourth time playing this game.

Who is the other?

Black guys and girls rarely make it to the merge? Except Gervais (twice), Alicia (twice), Tasha (twice), Jeremy (twice), Philip (twice), Will, Earl, Dreams, Cassandra, Artis, Sabrina, Albert, etc etc etc.

I remember for years after Open Range came out people were like "The Western is back!" but it never really amounted to much unfortunately. I love a good Western!

YES! The inexplicable Christopher Walken impression is just the best.

I actually saw it in theaters and really enjoyed it. I can't believe Stallone and Schwarzenegger had three theatrically released movies each in the same year. Gotta be the first time that's happened, or the first time it has happened since like 1986 or something.

NXT started going downhill for me when Joe lost the title match in Dallas. Finn should have dropped the belt there rather than what happened on a house show not long after. That was a huge mistake imo.