The Cage

Gunn was being punished for defeating Steve Williams, who the company assumed would win the tournament. If he hadn't injured his hamstring, he might've won it all too. There were even (untrue) rumors that Williams was already paid the prize money before the tournament even began.

There's a GREAT episode of the Bruce Prichard Something to Wrestle With podcast about the Brawl for All. It's funny — for just how prominent the whole Attitude Era was, I had completely forgotten about that dumb tournament that legitimately injured multiple WWE superstars (including a personal favorite of mine in

As someone who once lived in the Aurora area, you're absolutely spot on.

It is continually absurd to me that WWE expects us to buy Rusev as the heel in this feud when he did absolutely nothing heelish in the buildup and throughout the first few matches. Unless WWE expects us to buy that defending the honor of your spouse is "heelish" that is… (and they probably do believe that).

Ok, ok…

The failure of The Love Guru (the deserved failure) pushed him into a deep and dark depression and ruined his career as a leading comic actor. He became so depressed he had to go to Shep Gordon's compound on Hawaii (which is something an amazingly rich person *would* do, but I digress). Having suffered depression

My favorite South Park episode of all time is the one where Cartman thinks he's a ghost and starts doing legitimately nice things to get into heaven. I really, really like when they bring out that side of Cartman, even if it's for selfish reasons or whatever.

Remember how goofy those Aliens action figures were? I think Apone was wearing a red shirt that said "NO BUGS" on it. Seriously, wtf?

You should go dig it up.

I use the "Assholes and elbows" phrase a surprising amount in my life.

This is a vastly under appreciated comment.


One of the things Aliens gets right that so many other epic action movies get wrong is that it's minor characters are so fleshed out. Gorman, Spunkmeyer, Frost, Vasquez, Drake, etc are all more or less minor characters but just have boatloads of personality. The best of the supporting characters for me are Apone and

Jezebel is the worst for that. It's also the worst for what I call "tangentially related anecdotal hive mind evidence."

It's also cursed.

Why don't they just make the airplane out of the airline food? That's what I'd like to know!

Can I just add how much I liked Zahn in the Wimpy Kid movies? He's absolutely perfect as the quintessential dorky/embarrassing dad.

And now I'm remembering the techno/dance version of the main theme of Evita they used play on the radio over and over in early 1997. Thanks!

Strangely enough, working at K-Mart for four years in the late 90s/early 00s introduced me to a bevy of 80s artists I might have otherwise missed out on, like Pet Shop Boys. They also used to play really deep cuts from albums by bands like The Police and The Talking Heads. At Christmas, they would play the John Lennon