The Cage

"Wow! You're some guy who eats at Fishy Joe's?"
"Hell, no! I *am* Fishy Joe!"

I remember seeing the kid get eaten in the sewers and thinking "Oh damn, all bets are off!" It's a really good horror movie. I rewatched it in maybe 2013 or 2014 on Crackle and it holds up as well. The special effects are pretty great.

They don't need the titles at all — you're absolutely right. They're super over (as they've been for the last 10 months at least) and they'll continue to be over without the titles. Holding on to the championship belts might actually be detrimental to them being over. They're getting way past stale at this point. The

Oh good god Ventura/Monsoon were so good on commentary. WrestleMania III wouldn't be nearly as good without Ventura bellowing to Monsoon. Ventura is absolute gold during the Hogan/Andre match, and just perfect during the greatest match of the night — the Macho Man/Steamboat classic.

Charlotte is amazing. I actually hope she keeps the belt until WrestleMania. Don't care how that makes Bayley and Sasha marks feel.

While I'm certainly not opposed to Sheamusaro (I *love* Sheamus actually and I adore Cesaro most certainly!), I'm really disappointed that neither of them will get the actual title shot they were promised. I would have loved to see a Cesaro vs. KO feud. I guess it's too bad that Cesaro's not a good promo and Sheamus

Jericho is a treasure and it doesn't even bother me that he's gone over Zayn and Neville recently despite being nearly 50. He's doing some of the best work of his career in 2016, and has come a long way from his "cool but unfunny dad" schtick from last January or so.

Can you all just let me talk about how much I hate the fact that Reigns is the US Champ and my boy Rusev lost? I just hate it so much. I hate how the entire feud was booked and that no one in the company will talk about how much of a prick Reigns was throughout this feud. I also hate that despite the fact that Reigns

Totally uninteresting and boring story/opinion but something I've wanted to get off my mind AND THIS IS MY VENUE DAMMIT:

This is the correct answer. Where else on the interstate can you buy Mallowmars?

This is the greatest thing I've ever read on the internet.

Fair enough to defend your friend.


I really wish I still had my original copy of SOTN. I remember selling it for something like $70 and then later buy two different "Greatest Hits" green-striped versions. I've also bought it on XBLA and PSN over the years. Such a great game.

It really says something about the music in SOTN (my second favorite video game ever after Super Mario World) that I would visit certain areas just hear the music over and over again.

I watched Crocodile Dundee when it was streaming on Netflix last winter to see if it held up. It really doesn't, with the notable exception of Hogan, who is perfect in it. He's got a movie star's charisma and the camera loves him. Most other aspects of the film, I found, were downright terrible and dated. Still worth

Exactly. The guy turned down Ghost to star in Almost an Angel. Almost an Angel, but definitely a career killer!

The same could be said of most Buzzfeed content.

And he also seems to be an enormous jerk in real life as the pool noodle incident story indicates.

Came here for this Simpsons reference. Was not disappointed.