The Cage

If wonton tacos won't bring the millennials in, then nothing will. Applebee's is doomed.

I live in Bangkok, and the amount of unsafe motorcycles and scooters on the road is mind boggling. Just a few weeks ago, my friend's cousin was crushed to death while riding a scooter by an 18-wheeler. It's absolutely insane and 100% dangerous. I will only very rarely take motorcycle taxis out of fear of imminent

3:10 to Yuma is such a fantastic western and I feel like it doesn't get the credit it deserves. Ben Foster is absolutely mesmerizing in it as well and definitely deserved Academy attention. James Mangold has made some really excellent films.

This was pre-Baseketball, which came out in the summer of 1998 (the same year as Why Do They Rock So Hard?). I know way too much about Reel Big Fish.

You never went to a lock-in? They were a regular part of my teenage years. I probably went to a dozen between the ages of 12 and 16. The best times were had. Nothing beats playing capture the flag on a mega-church campus at three in the morning, I tell you.

We watched Fight Club my senior year. My teacher was leaving for a new job and gave no fucks.

About six months ago, I went on three dates in one night. It actually went reasonably well. Nothing like sitcoms taught me to expect.

So we get this but we don't get any more World of Flops entries? Sigh. Shrug. Fart. Click.

The F Word is such a great show. I love when his mom comes on and they have an apple pie bake-off. It's also nice to see his wife and children and see him acting somewhat normally, which is also why I like him on Masterchef. If you only watch Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares (US), it's easy to see why people

Most of the restaurants were spectacular failures (obviously) before he came on board too. Also, many of the owners' bad habits would come back after he left, which is a huge reason why their restaurants failed.

Yeah I think it is pretty mediocre on the whole. There's probably 4 good jokes in the 8 episode run.

It's not good. I don't think I've laughed more than three or four times and I'm on the last episode. It absolutely reeks of trying to hard. First Day of Camp was fucking fantastic and this is a HUGE disappointment.

Cageside Seats is good for WWE recaps and other pro-wrestling related analysis.

Same experience. Didn't like the movie the first time I saw it way back in '02 or '03. Absolutely loved it on the re-watch a few years later. First Day of Camp is also hilarious and superior to the film imo. The Falcon, President Reagan's personal hitman, will never not be funny to me.

It's too bad Quantum of Solace shit the bed and failed to capitalize on the bad ass ending of Casino Royale.

Mine was GoldenEye too! I was in 7th grade when that movie came out and it blew my mind. Made me a life-long Bond fan.

Cena is great. I absolutely love him now. And yes, much better than the Hogans and Warriors of old.

I wasn't in on Cena until the US title open challenge a couple of years ago. Cena was infuriating from about 2008 to 2014.

I don't understand the nostalgia-driven love for Hook either. I was 9 years old when it came out, saw it in theaters, caught it again maybe 5 years later on cable, and have barely thought about it since.

No thank you.