The Cage

It's perfectly fitting that in this crappy blockbuster heavy summer, my favorite films were (in no particular order): The Shallows (I seriously think Lively should get Oscar attention), Now You See Me 2 (which was just so much silly fun), Nerve (which was actually poignant and smart most of the way through), and The

I saw this a few weeks ago as it's been playing in various parts of Asia for about a month I believe (maybe longer). It's been heavily advertised where I live and the theater was at capacity during a primetime showing. I thought it was ok. The direction and script are pretty bad, but the location shooting is good and

I heard Reigns got busted for fat burners, not Adderall.

What WWE has been doing wrongly, according to me:

All I remember about this film (other than lingering shots of teenage torso) was that Jeff Goldblum and Lance Henriksen were both really good in their roles, particularly Henriksen. Knowing what I know now about Victor Salva, I will never revisit this movie.

"And why was 23-year-old Cara Delevingne cast as a woman with a PhD and a 36-year-old boyfriend?"

Mother, am I nuts?

I remember that a high school in Boston was somehow named The Rebels or something similar despite squarely being in the North. I also remember a hook-handed teacher kept a student locked in her attic. And Joey Slotnick hooked up with a high school senior at a Shakespeare reading outside of school.

Moe: Homer, that's the worst name I ever heard.
*man runs from Moe's Tap crying*
Barney: Joey Jo-Jo!

The one that came out in '96 that feels like The Shadow was The Phantom, which I'd also argue is underrated. Such brilliant set design in that movie.

It didn't help that she was taken in by a fraudulent, Svengoolie of a fiance (husband?).

Oh yeah? What are you gonna do down there?

i've been up to a lot of pop culture shenanigans lately!

Blade: Trinity does quite a few things wrong, but it's nowhere near as shitty as its reputation suggests. By everyone's account, Snipes was a complete disaster on set and that contributed to the negative perception around the film. Apparently, he basically would only do his closeups and treated director David S. Goyer

The Human Society — Money for People.

I forgot that it's ok to body shame people we don't like.

God that part still freaks me out. I watched Robocop 2 on HBO Now a few weeks ago and that part… oh god that part is horrifying

I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at this, but I also did a spit take.


Wow, don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back there…