The Cage

Yep, Paige's booking has been atrocious. She hasn't had a character since like last October. She's still so young (23?) that she has plenty of time left to right the ship, but she's now basically deep into irrelevance. Her body language and facial expressions all scream "I am bored with this" or alternately "I don't

Illinois Wesleyan???

I don't remember who said it, but whoever described Kevin Smith as looking like two children posing as an adult (like in a cartoon) is a genius as far as I'm concerned.

As a tall guy, I have the exact same problem. I feel like 99% of all pants are a 32 leg length when I need a 34. A 32 makes me look like I'm waiting for a flood.

Cool story bro incoming:

Deliberate I tell ya!

The dish juggling scene is my favorite moment from any of the Hobbit films because it's the only scene that felt like anything fun was happening.

Family love Jeremy

I didn't like Worlds Apart much and SJDS was my least favorite season ever perhaps. Cagayan and Blood vs Water were the last seasons I really enjoyed.

So am I alone in thinking this season kinda sucks? I just can't get into it at all.

God the superman punch/spear combo is so fucking stupid. It's a fucking punch and a tackle!

"No matter how many times I watch Cesaro and Neville, I still pop so hard for their stuff. They’re on a completely different level than anyone else on the roster when it comes to in-ring work."

Erik Per Sullivan and Jane Kazcmarek did write a children's book together iirc.

No fan made film is ever going to make me wish anything… Unless that wish is that there will be no more fan made films. But that in itself is wishful thinking.

A tuk tuk is a motorized rickshaw. Very popular and easy method of transportation in Thailand btw. So easy to get around and cheap too.

Those little vehicles are called tuk tuks, not to tos!

I played this game plenty as a kid and never once could I ever harm Jason, even in the early stages of play. When he showed up, I was just fucked.

Not trying to be an edgy IWC, but Roman Reigns sucks. He just sucks. His character is bland (his promos are worse than Ryback's), his moveset is limited (he can't wrestle for shit), and his stories are always the same thing over and over again (I can, I WILL!). The sooner WWE pulls the plug on this guy, the better.

Barry is really one of the greatest sitcom characters of our time. We need to revel in this while we have Troy Gentile on our TVs. Barry is fucking fantastic.

"….that's classified."