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    Cuba Gooding Jr.'s got a script that he'd love her to be in. It's called TV ON THE RADIO.

    I mean…
    He kind of has a point about Charlie Sheen.

    …is awesome. Come for the great dialogue, stay for the creepy, ambiguous ending.

    Marah, I assume that is the same part of society that consumes the most celebrity gossip, so it ends up being pretty close to the same thing, right?

    Pablo Honey
    I'm not saying it's a great album, but on a recent listen it held up better than expected. Some of the sonic experimentation that defined albums like OK Computer and Kid A is there, it's just buried under layers of grunge-style guitar. I'd take it over anything in Oasis' catalog.

    Mariska Hargitay
    Once you've done a movie like this, LAW & ORDER: SVU probably feels like Orson Goddamn Welles.

    Do you guys follow Ebert on Twitter?
    He comments that he's seen the missing 17 minutes, and that Kubrick was right to cut it. Let's face it, 2001 is brilliant but very quiet and slow. It's not necessarily better with the extra scenes.

    van Damme: I love Mah-pits.

    Made all the more obvious because next to him is clearly Gates McFadden, who has a background in dancing.

    I still enjoy watching TRON, but it's got some issues. A lot of the action is very choppy, as though they ran out of money for the expository scenes that you need to make the story run smoothly. And man is Cindy Morgan bad.

    It wasn't until this review (and these comments) that I realized the movie is about Mickey Ward. That made me a little more excited to see it.

    Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such self-help videos as "Smoke Yourself Thin" and "Get Confident, Stupid!"

    Any time ever someone gets kicked in the head in a martial-arts fight, it's an R rating. That's why THE MATRIX is rated R, and KUNG FU HUSTLE also. I believe the live-action TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES spawned that rule.

    Oh, come on. If I had said "I think Lori could be preggo" then there would have been an equally shrill amount of spoiler-whining in that case too. I'm sick of trying to avoid spoiling plot. How about you try appreciating acting and writing instead?

    Look, Leonard asked, I answered while being as vague as I could possibly be (and still give an answer). I assumed that people who would enjoy this show (or comic) enjoy it for reasons other than basic, fairly predictable plot points. Guess I was overestimating some of you.

    The Whisper
    I assume it was about Lori's blood test.

    Actually, I thought it was further proof that no one puts Baby in a corner.

    This was a hard one for me, but…
    * I wanted to see where Brandon Lee's career was going. He had all of the physical gifts his father had, and he came up in America during the height of the Hong Kong action "golden age."

    Personally I like MASK OF THE PHANTASM but don't love it. Some of the animation is really crappy and there's not enough Joker. The emotional Bruce Wayne stuff is killer, though.

    @Spacemonkey Mafia: think of it this way. The real Batman is described with "I don't think he likes anyone very much." Owlman is the same way, except that being evil, he extends this to wanting to destroy the entire multiverse.