I love everything in that movie, but my favorite joke is the way-underplayed "This orphanage used to be alive with laughter."
I love everything in that movie, but my favorite joke is the way-underplayed "This orphanage used to be alive with laughter."
JAWS and THE GODFATHER, definitely better than the book.
Give a brother credit:
His movies make money. He was able to get a TV show going, which is hard as hell for any black creator not named Tyler Perry these days.
CHINATOWN, where he plays Faye Dunaway's butler.
Re: Polanski
"Minor pleasures are pleasures nonetheless"?
Bender, eh?
Bite my shiny metal ass.
Too … many … jokes …
*brain explodes*
Robert Rodriguez will always get work because his movies make a fuck-ton of money. Because he does everything himself, they cost very little to make, so even if they "bomb" by blockbuster standards they're likely to turn a nice profit.
Man, that's depressing.
Now Kim Kardashian's career is what women want?
Here's my problem with THE WALKING DEAD
The hardcover collections - currently up to Volume 5 and counting - are so goddamned beautiful that even though I'm desperate to find out what happens next, I don't want to sully that section of my bookshelf with anything else.
Ah crap, bin Laden came out of the Afghani Mujahadeen, didn't he? I had forgotten that. May have to re-evaluate that movie, which I loved as a kid and a teenager.
I cat-egorically deny any knowledge of this thread.
For real, who doesn't love THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS? That movie is awesome.
Characters he created still sell books - hell, Brigade, a 90s title that I thought had been long left for dead, came back a week or two ago. He has to have fans somewhere - someone is buying those issues.
Yeah, but…
The assistant directing is just incompetent. That guy needs to find a new job. Writing Chick tracts, perhaps.
yes i said yes i will yes
This whole episode fucking rocked. Best of the season by far. When he's used correctly I prefer Smith to Tennant and even Tom Baker, although he hasn't been used correctly this season as often as I'd like.
"the actor's career continues to go up in flames, not unlike a house set on fire after a particularly satisfying session of oral sex."
Mongol = Eric Roberts, if I recall correctly.
Yeah, that giant panel in the shape of "MONGOL". Dave Gibbons FTW.