bagginass and smokingrass

I've never assaulted anyone you piece of shit. If you attacked my character like that in person I'd beat your teeth down your throat. Read the edit, I apologized and clarified what I was trying to say. You punk ass bitch

I'm sorry for what I said Mean Girl. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me

Your callous profane insults undercut the point of your statement. You are a clown!

I am an independent just like you, and no I'm not shocked people disagree. Just shocked that people are acting like Hillary is Mother Teresa. And sometimes it's good to argue the opposing side on a site like this, because groupthink does happen on a site that has everybody expressing the same opinion. I also think

Wow the group think on this site is scary crazy. Okay I'll backtrack a little and say she isn't AS bad as Donald. Okay hardly anybody on planet earth is as bad as Donald. She is still a piece of shit candidate who pretends to cater to the needs of minorities as a means to collect votes when she's really JUST as much

Okay well I'm not arguing the merits of which is worse, generally I would agree with you. I'm just saying thats what this election is coming down too. Hillary, though yea she's not a pig and a rapist, is still a fraud and a liar. They are both vile candidates.

I made an edit to the post, you should read it and take some notes kiddo.

Sure I did? The past tense in which you typed that comment makes it hard to know what you're talking about.

and fuck you too!

you haven't bragged about consensual sex with a hot girl to your friends? You're a fucking liar

Look Hillary is just as bad. She's a liar and a fraud and these WikiLeaks are proving that. This election is pretty much which candidate do you hate the least. I hate Hillary and Donald equally and will forfeit my vote to Gary Johnson. Good day

I see your point, thank you for calmly stating it and subduing insults. I'd like to point out I mistakenly assumed they we're talking about consensual sexual encounters, so I hope that clears of the context of my statement. I'd also like to apologize for mistakenly misinterpreting that, it was wrong of me to do so.

I was meaning about consensual encounters, I didnt realize they were saying they had sexually assaulted women. Sorry for the misunderstanding

I was under the impression they were talking about consensual sexual encounters, my mistake and my most sincerest apologies for not understanding they were talking about sexual assault.
Yes I see why they fired him. Sorry

No statue of limitations huh? This is what keeps me from being a full blown liberal, wussies crying for him to lose his job and source of income because he talked privately with another guy about women. Yes it was crude but they were being guys! I don't care what front anyone on this site puts up, if you're a guy, and

Man, this is going to be one divisive episode of television. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, Alfred was certainly hilarious, but one thing I'll say is I have never seen anything like that before. But I imagine the show will lose a meaningful amount of viewers after this one. I think the more I think about it,

Man this episode becomes so much darker after Bojack's third season conclusion. I don't know if the writers took that into account or not, but it changes the whole dynamic of the special. The creator of this show, Raphael Bob-Waksberg, is a true tragicom genius.

Wow, what a truly devastating episode of television. This show has morphed into something I've never seen before in a show. To the people who have touched rock-bottom depths this must be harrowing stuff. I could link my own depression through the first two seasons but this last season and final 3 episodes serves, to

that's Florida you ass

thats what you get for recapping the Bachelorette