bagginass and smokingrass

What's he supposed to do…wait another week while he wants to talk about a great scene now? That defeats the whole purpose of this website.

Yo, what the fuck is this AV Club? I mean I'm glad we're finally getting a review of last weeks near masterpiece episode, but forreal? I gotta come in every week to read last weeks review after watching a new one? Please have a review for this week up, thats total bullshit to hose "Atlanta" and it's viewers like that.

Glad to see, though nearly every review is critically negative, that everyone seems impressed by Murphy's performance. Hopefully this piece of shit movie serves as a spring board into dramatic territory for him. I've never understood why he chooses such banal comedic scripts. He's a talented man and deserves better.

Can anyone explain to me why there is a term called "Anti-War"…It seems to me, being called that, insinuates there are people who are pro-war. Why would anybody actually support the idea of two opposing sides lining up on opposite sides and killing the fuck out of each other? Why does such a term even exist?

Golly gee, thats a relief to know. Now my months upon months of sleepless anxiety can end knowing there might be another G.I. Joe sequel around the corner.

nice loss today

There were two episodes last night, why is only one of them reviewed? Am I missing something here..

Culvers blows

Good plug for the boy, Damien. He's a funny cat and sharp too, this makes me want to see his stand-up now.