David Boring

If you like the Lie Bot strips, this one is golden and requires no context: http://achewood.com/index.p…
Don't forget to hover your cursor to reveal the alt-text punchline.

Yeah I don't get why people recommend GOF as a good jumping-in point (or even an example of Achewood at its best). Though lots of the story arcs are great, the best stuff is almost uniformly found in the one-off type strips.

Don't tell him about the alt-text! Do you want to deprive him of that moment when you realize there is alt-text, and then read the whole archive again?

Achewood was my immediate first thought when I read the headline. I regard it more highly than just about anything short of the Simpsons in terms of cartoon comedy, but Jesus there is a lot to read before you really start to get anything out of it. It only really clicked for me after reading about the first three

@avclub-33235e3d066bad95b6eea457826f7507:disqus I agree, he's very dogmatic/exclusive about what he thinks animation should be, but he's indisputably a master. This series of posts on colour theory is a wonderful read even if you're not artistically inclined: http://johnkcurriculum.blog…

I feel like it got a ton of credit for a little while, but then kinda faded out of public consciousness while not really getting any less good.

Haha, yeah look how he ties his analysis back into his thesis at the end of the fifth paragraph.

@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus "Whatever those guys took, steroids didn't help them keep their eye on the ball and meet it with the sweet spot of the bat."
Heh, well, not steroids exactly, no: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

@avclub-8c1bbcea199457b63dc39f7a024591f1:disqus Dude, no. A militia is, by definition, separate from the state. That's like, the whole idea.

I'm not sure it's underrated exactly - maybe just underwatched.

I grew sick of Idiocracy when I watched it and it was as lazy and uninspired as the cultural dreck it wants to satirize.

I thought the idea was that kids were out of school during the summer, so general audience blockbusters do well then.

@EvelKareebel:disqus "when you look at how hard he trains,
and how naturally talented he is anyway, I can't see why he's need them"

Pretty much this. Cross was a ton of fun (though certainly not as good as Daft Punk's best), but their new record killed my hopes for them.

@Dikachu:disqus "… unless you're a member of a "militia", e.g. a police force or a military force."

From what I remember of Eraserhead, it basically is a horror movie in which the villain is becoming a father.

When that scene happened, there was a lot of really forced laughter from other teenagers proving how not-scared they were. It was more than a little annoying because I would have liked to have been able to be sucked in a little.

@avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus The fact that you're a descriptivist is extremely suggestive that you never actually have to correspond with those not "fortunate enough to grow up in a household with educated parents."

I remember that too and it made me lose respect for Stewart.

Strongly agree with Mike's reading of the ending. Recall the scene where she has lunch with Tony Soprano and reveals that: a) this is the only project she's had at the CIA, and b) that she was hired out of high school. It's what her adult life has been about, and at the end of the movie she's finally resolved it, but