David Boring


It's weird that I read your comment as you not putting Frank Miller on Nic Pizzolatto's level, and I'm pretty sure you meant it that way. No judgment, it's just weird how much things can change.

Sure you might, but do you really feel that's commendable? Seems kind of lazy and cynical to me.

I uh… kind of feel like that's not "pretty fair?" Kind of shitty, actually.

You know, the sanity meter is always the first thing anyone remembers when Eternal Darkness is mentioned, but I've always felt it was badly implemented. The insanity effects are the most notable and original features of the game, but you only experience them when you suffer excessive damage. Therefore, it rewards you

Why are the commercials for that series always so good? I still remember the welcome to the jungle one for San Andreas.

Secretly? Serious drama happens, but I've always thought of BrBa as something of a black comedy.

I totally agree. People always throw it out as some kind of trump card as if Lost is demonstrably awful if they can prove that every script wasn't already written up before the show aired. Guess what, almost everything you like was written the same way!

Season 9 is uniformly great and I have no idea why people think it's anything short of classic. Maybe because they think the season 8 finale would have made a nice bookend to the series?

What? Doesn't he do like… every cartoon character on every cartoon? Isn't that what people know him from?

@avclub-e2a6a1ace352668000aed191a817d143:disqus I don't necessarily even disagree with you; just pointing out how hilariously far the writer is grasping to make her point. I mean, just read that convoluted mess of a sentence, and then appreciate that the "source" it's being supported by is… an empty amazon page.

Holy shit, this is a gem.
 "Is it racist, too? Yes. Why? Because this child is African-American? Yes. As law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw has discussed frequently,
using an intersectional framework — that is, seeing this comment
through the intersecting lenses of race and gender (among other axes) —
allows us to


Y'know, it's not impossible that you were just bored by it because you didn't get it.

No, I didn't say that.

I'm not sure about underrated. I feel like "I know it's populist feel-good trash, but damn if it isn't fun and thoughtfully put together" is kinda the consensus opinion on
Catch Me if You Can.

That's a great one that I had forgotten about. At his best, Onstad was capable of stuff that was… too ridiculously tragic to not laugh at, but still kind of actually affecting.

Problem I have with Japanese stuff in general is that the only stuff I can get into turns out to be heavily westernized and therefore probably not a very good introduction to Japanese pop culture: Cowboy Bebop, Miike, Suda51 games, etc.

I feel like Portal 2 is a video game person's idea of what an ideal introductory video game should be. I love those games, and thought they'd be an ideal entry point for my girlfriend because they've obviously been meticulously engineered to be as intuitive and accessible as possible. But there's a lot of knowledge

I read Problem Sleuth, and while it was… sorta funny, I think I've realized that from about the halfway point on, I was just reading it to finish reading it.