David Boring

"…taking away access to the guns in
the first place means crazies have to go back to old-fashioned

Not sure what you're getting at here. Supporters of gun rights tend also to be vehement supporters of freedoms to speech, press, assembly, and privacy.

Men in Black is not a demerit.

"industry professionals didn't acknowledge it and the audience itself
rejected the movie, so it's hard for me to get on board with the
"expert" viewpoint"

Where does ZMF speak on Dredd? Just watched it today, and his is the criticism I'm most interested in.

It's true that when I think of Pulp Fiction, I think of Samuel L. Jackson. But when I think more, I realize that he's not in the Mia Wallace or Bruce Willis chapters at all. Are there any bits that feature Jules but not Vincent?

It actually took me about twenty minutes to figure out exactly what they were trying to accomplish with that makeup. I feel like they should have just not bothered; that Bruce Willis transition during the aging montage couldn't have felt more jarring anyway.

I don't think it's hate, it just seems that way to an AV Club writer since they've been expending so much effort trying to tell us how great this album is. I used to kind of like it, but holy hell let this one go, guys.

@avclub-f8523a7e392b7ab306239f511fd75280:disqus  Thank you for your honest and levelheaded response. I will now go out and interact with real people where I will presumably learn that placing wiretapping and surveillance, endangering your coworkers, exploiting relationships, and working for an organization known for

@avclub-f8523a7e392b7ab306239f511fd75280:disqus  Thank you for your honest and levelheaded response. I will now go out and interact with real people where I will presumably learn that placing wiretapping and surveillance, endangering your coworkers, exploiting relationships, and working for an organization known for

@avclub-ccddb19d94622d5ff1ee354d99d24d20:disqus Yes yes yes. That paragraph really soured an otherwise astute article.

@avclub-6dfdd63abbcb8863fba5ab0ab35d76f5:disqus Hahaha what? If anything, entertainment has gotten more passive.

Is that the "you're gonna die alone and angry having missed everything cool" bit? I kinda think it was funnier than the joke that was being interrupted.


I kinda feel like it's not "technically valid" to be upset over a piece of fiction you haven't seen yet.

@avclub-5dedb42b34e50082065a783265ce28a8:disqus Uh yeah, it's very much about that. We tend to think of rape as one of the worst crimes one can commit, but then turn a blind eye to rampant prison rape because "those people deserve it."

Well, except for the Mandingo fighting, which prompted me to look it up after seeing the film. Turns out it's mostly kinda lifted from a novel and flim of the same name, and didn't really happen. Draws a nice parallel with the history of slavery though (the gladiator bust in Candie's dining room).

Doesn't NATO phonetic alphabet call for "0" to be pronounced "zero?" I thought you military guys used that.

Doesn't NATO phonetic alphabet call for "0" to be pronounced "zero?" I thought you military guys used that.

Far as I can tell, discussion's been pretty civil. Should have happened a long time ago.