David Boring

I feel like that was exactly what happened. They had a great idea for a scene, and then had to kinda work the story around getting it to happen.

STRONGLY AGREE, and it would have been so easy to have your monster-cake and eat it too: Let's say the purge command is triggered as a security measure when outsiders break into the facility. There, I just cleaned up the stupidity of having a giant red monster-release button, and the incongruity of having a bunch of

STRONGLY AGREE, and it would have been so easy to have your monster-cake and eat it too: Let's say the purge command is triggered as a security measure when outsiders break into the facility. There, I just cleaned up the stupidity of having a giant red monster-release button, and the incongruity of having a bunch of

I don't like to be mean, but I never really found Misako Rocks to be even competent. But I'm getting tired of Dan's face, so I think a new illustrator would be a great idea.

I don't like to be mean, but I never really found Misako Rocks to be even competent. But I'm getting tired of Dan's face, so I think a new illustrator would be a great idea.

Uh probably because all of the characters were two dimensional archetypes whose motivations are dictated by what will make for the most surprising plot twist? All of the show's energies went to setup/payoff setup/payoff; the little mysteries were what I watched for, at least.

Uh probably because all of the characters were two dimensional archetypes whose motivations are dictated by what will make for the most surprising plot twist? All of the show's energies went to setup/payoff setup/payoff; the little mysteries were what I watched for, at least.

I feel like Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises are hurt by having one too many villains, which in both cases leads to weird character inconsistencies. I get that the Joker's deal was the whole "one bad day" is all that separates a good guy from bad, but Harvey Dent's transformation into Two-Face is completely silly.

I feel like Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises are hurt by having one too many villains, which in both cases leads to weird character inconsistencies. I get that the Joker's deal was the whole "one bad day" is all that separates a good guy from bad, but Harvey Dent's transformation into Two-Face is completely silly.

Haha that's uh… that's exactly what my phone's image folder is like. Like, it used to be something my girlfriend found cute, but now she just gets irritated and weirded out with the "why do cat photos outnumber me photos ten to one."

Haha that's uh… that's exactly what my phone's image folder is like. Like, it used to be something my girlfriend found cute, but now she just gets irritated and weirded out with the "why do cat photos outnumber me photos ten to one."

@avclub-94d231f11cdc1fae024849f33f7a7156:disqus You'll notice that all but one of those talking points cites the Hemenway studies which (I should have specified) are the ones which severely under-report self defense by failing to count incidents in which the gun didn't actually have to be used (ie: the best possible

@avclub-94d231f11cdc1fae024849f33f7a7156:disqus You'll notice that all but one of those talking points cites the Hemenway studies which (I should have specified) are the ones which severely under-report self defense by failing to count incidents in which the gun didn't actually have to be used (ie: the best possible

No, nobody really has agreed-upon data for that. Studies that favour gun control tend to under-report self defense incidents by excluding situations where a gun did not actually need to be fired. Gun advocate studies often rely on self-reporting, which means that illegal uses of a firearm are sometimes counted as self

No, nobody really has agreed-upon data for that. Studies that favour gun control tend to under-report self defense incidents by excluding situations where a gun did not actually need to be fired. Gun advocate studies often rely on self-reporting, which means that illegal uses of a firearm are sometimes counted as self

@avclub-b078f182da4185126b9a62a6a79e7d6a:disqus So…
1. Guns are designed to kill people.
2. Killing people is always bad.
3. Therefore we should ban guns.
The reason the ol' "guns are specifically designed to blah blah blah" argument never works is that premise 2 is bullshit. Defense of self or others is a perfectly

@avclub-b078f182da4185126b9a62a6a79e7d6a:disqus So…
1. Guns are designed to kill people.
2. Killing people is always bad.
3. Therefore we should ban guns.
The reason the ol' "guns are specifically designed to blah blah blah" argument never works is that premise 2 is bullshit. Defense of self or others is a perfectly

Best of the season.

Best of the season.

He's just trying to secure some credibility for what he knows is a weak argument ("It FEELS like male reviewers are yelled at, and female reviewers are condescended to!").