David Boring

He's just trying to secure some credibility for what he knows is a weak argument ("It FEELS like male reviewers are yelled at, and female reviewers are condescended to!").

I've only ever been on one flight, but luckily it was in 2007 and my choices were like… No Country For Old Men, There Will Be Blood, and Michael Clayton or something. So I guess that's probably not representative of your typical in-flight selection, but it was pretty cool.

I've only ever been on one flight, but luckily it was in 2007 and my choices were like… No Country For Old Men, There Will Be Blood, and Michael Clayton or something. So I guess that's probably not representative of your typical in-flight selection, but it was pretty cool.

I always thought it was an Aboriginal creation myth? And that's where King and Pratchett got the idea.

I always thought it was an Aboriginal creation myth? And that's where King and Pratchett got the idea.

Yeah, less rights, that's what you guys need.

Yeah, less rights, that's what you guys need.

"Victim blaming?"
Yeah, nah. You are misappropriating the shit out of that phrase.

"Victim blaming?"
Yeah, nah. You are misappropriating the shit out of that phrase.

No, it's not almost exclusively used by racists, it's almost exclusively used by old people. A lot of older blacks still identify as negro because that was the most respectable term when they were learning terms. It's not, and never has been pejorative on its own.

No, it's not almost exclusively used by racists, it's almost exclusively used by old people. A lot of older blacks still identify as negro because that was the most respectable term when they were learning terms. It's not, and never has been pejorative on its own.

Why? "Negro" is not racist, just old-fashioned.

Why? "Negro" is not racist, just old-fashioned.

No bro. Enjoy your revisionist history, but FG was renewed because it was good.

No bro. Enjoy your revisionist history, but FG was renewed because it was good.

@avclub-d6537db628c8624dd41cdf68e445b71b:disqus Really? I think the opposite. A local channel has been doing season 1-3 FG reruns, and I've been consistently shocked at how funny it is. Those early episodes hold up better than they have any right to, maybe because it still had the traditional family sitcom structure

@avclub-d6537db628c8624dd41cdf68e445b71b:disqus Really? I think the opposite. A local channel has been doing season 1-3 FG reruns, and I've been consistently shocked at how funny it is. Those early episodes hold up better than they have any right to, maybe because it still had the traditional family sitcom structure

He's completely right though.

He's completely right though.

@avclub-2b7cfd7706986f9e0f3e067df9705ba9:disqus Everyone got mad because he went and decided to capitalize on doing what he does well, or something.