David Boring

What's wrong with ARGs? Isn't the whole point that they're for the hardcore who are willing to solve them, and therefore easily ignored?

After seeing Jaws, my mom had a recurring dream about a shark coming through the living room window.

After seeing Jaws, my mom had a recurring dream about a shark coming through the living room window.

This is completely true; the shit is much more sticky/viscous than your average pop.

This is completely true; the shit is much more sticky/viscous than your average pop.

I'm with UMD on this one. I think Hollywood would be a lot healthier if the average summer blockbuster was more like the Dark Knight, or Inception. Middlebrow popcorn stuff that people can talk about after the movie.

I'm with UMD on this one. I think Hollywood would be a lot healthier if the average summer blockbuster was more like the Dark Knight, or Inception. Middlebrow popcorn stuff that people can talk about after the movie.

@avclub-0130769689fc487f3a17c0535d859cd9:disqus " The guy's adapted a comic book. I think he knows perfectly well that adapting a comic book in itself is capable of art."

@avclub-0130769689fc487f3a17c0535d859cd9:disqus " The guy's adapted a comic book. I think he knows perfectly well that adapting a comic book in itself is capable of art."

Yeah I had a lot of fun awhile back going through all those 1990s snpp reviews, and seeing people's lukewarm reactions to now-classic episodes. You feel like hitting them upside the head and yelling "Don't you know how good you have it??"

Yeah I had a lot of fun awhile back going through all those 1990s snpp reviews, and seeing people's lukewarm reactions to now-classic episodes. You feel like hitting them upside the head and yelling "Don't you know how good you have it??"

I actually felt the same way about the first Hangover. Everyone seemed to enjoy it so much, so I saw it in theatre. There's one gag that sort of acts as a microcosm of the film and its problems: The bit where Zach Galifinakis says "retard" with the stress on the second syllable. That's kind of a funny joke; that

I actually felt the same way about the first Hangover. Everyone seemed to enjoy it so much, so I saw it in theatre. There's one gag that sort of acts as a microcosm of the film and its problems: The bit where Zach Galifinakis says "retard" with the stress on the second syllable. That's kind of a funny joke; that

Spec Ops is indeed pretty good, and maybe even truly subversive. But the main problem I have with it is that it does play exactly like the aforementioned dudebro shooters. Like, the story is harshly critical of those games, but the game mechanics are the same, and Spec Ops is above all a game.

Spec Ops is indeed pretty good, and maybe even truly subversive. But the main problem I have with it is that it does play exactly like the aforementioned dudebro shooters. Like, the story is harshly critical of those games, but the game mechanics are the same, and Spec Ops is above all a game.

I think there were some shots of the goo machine back in the superlab.

I think there were some shots of the goo machine back in the superlab.

That sentence took about 10 reads, but I think I got it.

That sentence took about 10 reads, but I think I got it.

@DonBoy2:disqus  Yeah, that's how I've always read the Bechdel test, and I think it's silly to do otherwise. The result of adhering to the test like that is films where women's importance is not tied to men. The result of adhering to the test as it's written is films where most of the characters are women. The