David Boring

@DonBoy2:disqus  Yeah, that's how I've always read the Bechdel test, and I think it's silly to do otherwise. The result of adhering to the test like that is films where women's importance is not tied to men. The result of adhering to the test as it's written is films where most of the characters are women. The

Usually I can get swept up in a movie well enough that I won't notice plot holes, but there were some glaring problems with this one for me. You can go into a stock exchange and forcibly bankrupt a guy and yet it will take months to prove it was a fraudulent transaction?

Usually I can get swept up in a movie well enough that I won't notice plot holes, but there were some glaring problems with this one for me. You can go into a stock exchange and forcibly bankrupt a guy and yet it will take months to prove it was a fraudulent transaction?

Time passing has always felt a little wonky in these films. Like you, I wasn't really sold on Gotham being under occupation for five months (which, apparantly is plenty of time for an already battered Wayne to make a full recovery from a broken back - you'll be fine, just do some pushups!). And we're meant to assume

Time passing has always felt a little wonky in these films. Like you, I wasn't really sold on Gotham being under occupation for five months (which, apparantly is plenty of time for an already battered Wayne to make a full recovery from a broken back - you'll be fine, just do some pushups!). And we're meant to assume

I really liked Bane going berserk too; just swinging away at Batman. I don't care for the close-up, tightly choreographed martial arts stuff that's in every fucking action movie because it looks too much like dancing. It's just there to look good, and disregards the fact that two people usually can't land loads of

I really liked Bane going berserk too; just swinging away at Batman. I don't care for the close-up, tightly choreographed martial arts stuff that's in every fucking action movie because it looks too much like dancing. It's just there to look good, and disregards the fact that two people usually can't land loads of

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus I was thinking this exact thing. Sure he's a young idealist, and pretty fit from being a cop. But it's not like he climbed a fucking mountain to train with an ancient cult of ninjas. I kinda wonder if his career as the new Batman is going to be cut tragically short.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus I was thinking this exact thing. Sure he's a young idealist, and pretty fit from being a cop. But it's not like he climbed a fucking mountain to train with an ancient cult of ninjas. I kinda wonder if his career as the new Batman is going to be cut tragically short.

Breaking Bad hasn't had a mediocre season, but it's also not had a season better than any of The Wire's.

Breaking Bad hasn't had a mediocre season, but it's also not had a season better than any of The Wire's.

Seconded. When I was watching the show the first time, I thought the Gretchen/Grey Matter thing would be an ongoing plot point, because it feels woefully underexplored. I was really surprised when entire seasons went by and it didn't come back up.

Seconded. When I was watching the show the first time, I thought the Gretchen/Grey Matter thing would be an ongoing plot point, because it feels woefully underexplored. I was really surprised when entire seasons went by and it didn't come back up.

If anything, it was getting back to its roots. The first season had a ton of SCIENCE!-related problem solving, to emphasize that a chemistry genius turned criminal would have some unique ways of making his way in the drug trade. Last couple episodes of season 4 excluded, the show kinda toned that sort of thing down a

If anything, it was getting back to its roots. The first season had a ton of SCIENCE!-related problem solving, to emphasize that a chemistry genius turned criminal would have some unique ways of making his way in the drug trade. Last couple episodes of season 4 excluded, the show kinda toned that sort of thing down a

Exactly. Walt's big impressive displays of science have been working for him lately, so he overlooks the fact that there might be a somewhat simpler option. You can also see this in the bit where he tips the van - the officer's computer was knocked out at the first hint of magnetism, indicating that the job was

Exactly. Walt's big impressive displays of science have been working for him lately, so he overlooks the fact that there might be a somewhat simpler option. You can also see this in the bit where he tips the van - the officer's computer was knocked out at the first hint of magnetism, indicating that the job was

You know, I was almost a little depressed seeing the superlab like that. It took a second or two for me to even realize where they were.

You know, I was almost a little depressed seeing the superlab like that. It took a second or two for me to even realize where they were.

What's great is I'm not even convinced it's better than the last two episodes of season 3.