David Boring

What's great is I'm not even convinced it's better than the last two episodes of season 3.

@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus Huh? You mean the plant? I thought that bit was hamfisted and totally unnecessary. I'm usually pretty slow at catching on to subtle plot details, and even I knew what Walt had done well before that point.

@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus Huh? You mean the plant? I thought that bit was hamfisted and totally unnecessary. I'm usually pretty slow at catching on to subtle plot details, and even I knew what Walt had done well before that point.



I figured the salesman's scar stories would be more of an advertisement than a deterrent for somebody considering buying a motorcycle. Worked on Louie.

I figured the salesman's scar stories would be more of an advertisement than a deterrent for somebody considering buying a motorcycle. Worked on Louie.

New York has nothing to do with it. I'm pretty sure that exact lady was in the room next to mine when I stayed a week in Toronto.

New York has nothing to do with it. I'm pretty sure that exact lady was in the room next to mine when I stayed a week in Toronto.

Ha, actually my first thought when he said school ended was that summer vacation just started. Like, it's not an over-the-hill avengedsevenfold fan lamenting the loss of his youth, but a 15 year old kid who, now that school's over, doesn't get to see his friends every day and has to work a fast food job and everything

Ha, actually my first thought when he said school ended was that summer vacation just started. Like, it's not an over-the-hill avengedsevenfold fan lamenting the loss of his youth, but a 15 year old kid who, now that school's over, doesn't get to see his friends every day and has to work a fast food job and everything

Can't believe I had to go through a full page and a half of comments to find this one.

Can't believe I had to go through a full page and a half of comments to find this one.

That's such a weird scene too. Michael does the big sentimental speech and begins to tear up a little as everyone looks on with disgust. Pretty ruthless even for AD.

That's such a weird scene too. Michael does the big sentimental speech and begins to tear up a little as everyone looks on with disgust. Pretty ruthless even for AD.

Wait, I agree that people who think "reverse racism" is a thing are idiots. But are they the conservative white guys with persecution complexes? Or the effete liberals who think "prejudice + power" is an apt definition of racism?

Wait, I agree that people who think "reverse racism" is a thing are idiots. But are they the conservative white guys with persecution complexes? Or the effete liberals who think "prejudice + power" is an apt definition of racism?



Nah, I don't think there was anything necessarily "white" about the Kingpin in the comics. He just needs to ride the line between big, brutal thug, and capable, dirty businessman. The guy who played Fisk in Daredevil did this pretty well.