David Boring

But sports guys are overpaid for doing things 99.99999% of people can't do (at least, not at the same level of competence). That's how I justify it.

The "like" counter suggests otherwise.

Uh what? You mean the King of the Hill in which small-town values Hank Hill comes up against reality television / new age gimmickry / big business / zero tolerance policies in schools / [insert cultural flavour of the month]? Yeah, that's gonna age way better than the Simpsons.

"I'd still argue that the memes of yesteryear eclipse those of today. Not
by much, but Black Ninja and Star Wars Kid are still funnier to me than
most rage comics."

Taken as a whole, the new Futuramas are not perceptibly worse than the old ones.


Conversely, I actually think it's one of the most problematic parts of his writing. It really doesn't take a lot of talent to be a shock writer (see: Palahniuk), and there's a strong argument to be made that McCarthy fetishizes violence for the sake of violence.

Haha, Street Trash was… kind of a weird one. Not a lot of movies play gang rape for laughs, and though it's repulsive, you kinda have to admire the audacity.

Gah, yeah I think disembowlment in general is pretty awful.

This idea that culture is getting noticeably more violent strikes me as kinda lazy. Firstly, throw on Reservoir Dogs today, it's still an incredibly violent movie. Secondly, it's not like there weren't gory/violent movies 30 years ago, it's just that most of them were shitty and aren't remembered, just like how Hostel

@avclub-a80fcd777df4edacea4dd9e20f8730e4:disqus I agree with your general sentiment, but I also have no idea why you're voicing it here.


Yech, I hate that old chestnut: "If it saves even one life, it's worth it :)"

Yeah man, I have one of those at my house. Problem is that, like you said, you get used to "slapping." And then when you're out, you pull that shit on a normal seat and give yourself a heart attack when it hits the bowl with a loud crack!

I… think he got the joke?

Yeah, I dunno. I think precocious, teenaged, emotional baggage-laden Bemis was something sorta accidentally special. Married, sober, adult Bemis not so much.

A phoned-in ending can totally fuck up a game. If you're entertained for 80 hours, it's because you believe a story's going somewhere, will have a point, will do justice to its characters. If it fucks that up, then your 80 hours were for shit. That's how narratives work. How are you even arguing against this?

But that brings up another good point. Only the generation raised on dvd would think the default unit of television is "1 season." Especially relevant when we're talking about shows that didn't care whether you watched the whole season, or every episode.

No, Aymanut's right. Bros are not idiots. More like naive manchildren.

If you're gonna throw around that hackneyed "too cool for video games" elitism, this is… probably not the guy you should direct it toward.