David Boring


Ha, "fucking stacked," I miss that one. Haven't seen it in a while.

What's grating about this type of character is that male writers hear "powerful, independent woman," and write "quarrelsome, violent bitch." This sort of characterization is bad on television, but fucking rampant in mainstream comic books. We either need better writers, or more lady writers, preferably both.

I don't think I hate those guys. They're in horrible fucking situations.

Yeah, this is why I can't understand why some people unreservedly hate Peggy. The show is perfectly aware that she's hateable, and brings her down a notch all the time.

I think you can hate the Judge, just in a way that doesn't make a difference to anything at all. Like getting angry at the universe for being so big and uncaring.

Woah, wait, what? Is it "tidy whities?" I've spent my life thinking it's "tighty whities!" I'm gonna… I'm gonna have to go reevaluate some things.

Dude, I love O'Neal. But there is nothing "alpha" about writing a passive-aggressive celebrity news column for a pop culture website.

I haven't seen Mr. Fox, and I disliked Darjeeling.

Hey yeah, I remember those. The Onion has always done lots of articles where there's only one joke, and it's in the title, but I think that's the only time where that's been the entire premise.

That's true, but I also get annoyed by people dismissing his movies as if that's all there is to them.

"Vincent was clearly Jules' fucking bumbling sidekick"

"Asians are good at math, why aren't you in the gifted program?"

I can't get onboard with the Forrest Gump backlash. Is "keep your head down, don't rock the boat, and kindness will always trump intelligence" a pretty reprehensible message for a movie to have?

Always Sunny and Tropic Thunder both have characters in blackface, and were very funny as a result. But in both cases, the object of mockery was not black people, but the completely oblivious character wearing blackface. Neither tries to extricate blackface from racism, in fact that's the whole joke.

Okay, fair enough. Robocop is indeed pretty nuts, and you're right to be worried that the remake might be a bland drama or straight action film.

GLJeremy, I think you might just have really, really shitty taste?

I remember that when Pokemon was big, there were a lot of concerned/angry parents/educators who were critical of a show pretty much centered around fighting. Even as a kid, I felt that the climax of the first Pokemon movie was meant to directly address this, and did it in the most bullshit way possible. If I remember

Eh, yeah, but the fact that you conflate "most mature" with "best" suggests you might not understand the appeal of Blink 182.

Whaaaat. Your friend probably thinks that because "Trash of the Titans" IS classic Simpsons.