David Boring

"In no way is that sentence "just about" the same as 'Passable when
played very loud and accompanied with drinks in a public venue.'"

Uh, yes it was. That's just about exactly the endorsement I was arguing against:

"Music is not homogeneous."
That's quite the straw man you're constructing there.

I could answer this question with examples from their music, or lyrics, or live shows, or promotional material.

"This is music that's meant to be turned up as loud as you can get it and not thought about too much"

MIA doesn't need any help wrecking herself.

Ehhh… I don't really disagree with you, but their music has a sheen to it that makes it fun for the first few listens, and then sort of embarrassing afterwards. "Guilty pleasure" might be the phrase I'm searching for.

I disagree that that's what this review is all about. But seeing as this band's whole shtick is how cool they are (or aren't), I think that's valid assessment criteria.

"Scantily clad"

I can get on board with this list.

Yeah, I dunno what this "cold blooded killer" business is. Doubt it would have even gone to court.

I think it really does need a sequel. It ended on a cliffhanger, after all.

"You don't keep having sex with someone when they're passed out. Even if you already were."

Super was good up until the bullshit ending. Having Rainn Wilson's character live was way too contrived.

I don't think grades are meaningless, despite the protestations of some AV Club writers. It's the bottom line of your review, after all. If you think grades are detrimental, don't include one.

I think the reason you'll see overreactions like this is because accusing a film of sexism is a pretty heavy accusation. Nobody likes to be told that something they like is hateful, especially if there's a strong argument to the contrary.

Kill Bill I (2003)
Kill Bill II (2004)
Death Proof (2007)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Django Unchained (2012, allegedly)

Your parents are familiar with CSI but not Quentin Tarantino? That seems kinda backwards, generationally speaking.

Uh… yeah? You wouldn't watch a QT episode of Whitney?

Soooo what you're saying is: CSI pays Auteur Director Quentin Tarantino to do an episode of their show. Auteur Director Quentin Tarantino directs the episode with some of his signature style. And this is awful, because clearly the right thing for him to have done would be to turn in a cookie cutter episode that could