David Boring

Yeah but that actually kinda makes it MORE ridiculous. If you play poker because you're a mathematical genius, you're predisposed to make lots of money in the LONG run, because over time, the slight advantage you have over players who play intuitively will translate to gradual, long-term winnings. Being a math whiz

I dunno. I was in high school in the mid-2000s and that was pretty much our list. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that high schoolers still like Tarantino, Guy Ritchie, and Fight Club.

Yeah I was gonna say. International billionaires fly out to a secret exclusive casino in Montenegro where the dealer doesn't bat an eye at receiving a $500,000 tip to play… Texas Hold Em? Hmm.

@Fraggins:disqus Not really sure what you're getting at. If it's the notion that Azzarello hasn't done anything interesting in a while, then I'll draw your attention to the fact that we're discussing prequels to a comic book that's now a quarter century old.

Yeah like everybody else, I was hesitant to vitriolic while reading this article. But… I also really like Brian Azzarello. Probably enough to make me want to read these.

@avclub-c3121fa95cd6bc24f771b66449a2142c:disqus I saw Drive twice in theatre, but neither audience was all that into it. I still had a blast though because it really is worth seeing on the big screen.

Repo Man might just be my favourite movie.

What MIA song was in that movie, Paper Planes? That's still a pretty fun song.

Yeah I don't understand it either. It's nice that you want to move on to new things. But how can you call yourself a pop culture addict if you don't find a few movies/books every year that you need to pore over again and again?

Said it before and I'll say it again: I'll stop calling it that when the two stop linking to each other, being published in the same paper, being owned by the same company, and refusing to review Onion media out of impartiality.

The projection… it's almost too much to bear.

Yeah that's my mistake; I read your post before Eric's. In context you come across as very reasonable. My post is more directed at stuff like Chancellor Puddinghead's super incisive witticisms a few threads down.

But… that's total bullshit. People who like Tim & Eric are usually in the "I can understand why you wouldn't enjoy this, but our tastes just differ here" camp.

I think it's possible you just don't like adventure games? Yeah the solutions to the problems are generally farfetched and pretty silly. This is a feature, not a bug.

Really? Aw fuck. So far the show's been at it's best when it's been scary/unsettling.

Twin Peaks requires you and your friends to sit in the basement all day occasionally emerging to go buy coffee and donuts. At least that's how I did it.

I dunno, I watched the first season as it came out and had a fucking blast. But I was also like… thirteen at the time. Probably a little too forgiving of the shaky plotting.

I stopped reading DC and Marvel stuff years ago when it became apparent that most of their titles were only gonna tell two six-issue stories per year.

I just started watching Lost about a month ago. I'm almost done season 2 right now. I tend to watch in big chunks, and then set it aside for a week.

What's funny is that thanks to dvd, it actually is.