David Boring

Speaking of, does it annoy anyone else that the modern cliffhanger has kinda become the standard ending to every episode of pretty much any serialized TV? I mean if I like your show, I'll be back next week. You don't have to come up with some contrived mystery to get me to watch again.

I watched the first 7 or 8 episodes of Boardwalk as they aired. Then I bailed on it because I got bored and couldn't remember what anyone's anxieties or motivations were. It might be worth trying again over a weekend.

Anthony Hopkins was in Silence of the Lambs for about 15 minutes total, and don't tell me he didn't make a great villain(ish).

Of course he survives. He's the only one who acted like a professional and didn't let emotion, honour, family or friendship get in the way. Whether that's a life worth living is a question the movie asks.

That's always been my favourite bit of this scene. The cop doesn't have a personality until that point. He just mumbles and screams in pain. He can't even move or anything because he's tied up. But then Mr. Blonde gets shot and he tells Orange he knew who he was all along, and you realize the cop is a fucking champion.

@avclub-58f5fdc24696f56a135893cb6a0ebade:disqus "You could probably have it playing in the background at a party and it would not be out of place."

@avclub-42998cf32d552343bc8e460416382dca:disqus Intention doesn't matter in something like an article, or a book, or an interview, because presumably you've had time to collect your thoughts and say something you feel is well-reasoned enough to stand on its own.

No, I've always thought he sucks. Closest I've come to liking him was on Louie CK's show, which was admittedly a pretty savvy thing to do.

@avclub-e53fc2424af041d07a7eef5cd8773505:disqus It's been two hours and nobody's responded to this remarkably flaccid attempt at trolling, despite being near the top of the comments section. I'm genuinely proud of you guys.

@avclub-230a11d4f53fa5ecb16c69d668eb8456:disqus This. He didn't say "female comics are less funny than men." He said something closer to "there are less funny female comics than funny male comics." Which, considering the number of male comics far outnumbers the number of female comics… seems about as close to a

@avclub-f8665a36d5a911922da81a12443887ed:disqus I still don't understand the "Drive was boring" thing. Fucking car chases! Suspense! Shootouts! Dudes getting their heads kicked in! Desperate old-timers and vicious mafia guys! A guy gets a goddam shower curtain rod shoved through his sternum for fuck's sake.

I think because it shares a tier with Hanna, which was terrible.

I get what you're saying, and agree in some cases. The dirt-digging one is a particularly egregious example. I watch it and say "oh, so they dug up a transparent plate of plastic or something?" But a lot of the others make sense to me, like the shots from underneath a glass table, or below a pyrex tray. Those ones

@avclub-9431c87f273e507e6040fcb07dcb4509:disqus He caught your joke. You missed his.

@avclub-80b912d8d81919969ccab0080ddd8e2f:disqus You've got it backwards, bro. July-Aug would actually be the coolest months in such southern-hemisphere countries as Austrailia, New Zealand, and Rand McNally.

I'm gonna throw in with the watermelon-is-best crowd here. Grape or lemon are clearly the most offensive Jolly Ranchers.

I get that it's irritating to constantly hear that your country is responsible for atrocitites in wartorn countries when you as an individual have zero say in how your country conducts its foreign policies. But "responsible for atrocities in wartorn countries" is still a pretty good summation of said policies for the

Nah, Bane's supposed to be from some made-up South American country. If anything, he should sound Spanish.

I still have no goddamned idea what accent Hardy is affecting there. I keep hearing people call it German, or Eastern Euro, or Snidely Whiplash, but for some reason I can't hear it as anything other than very thick weird Scottish.

Yeah why would people possibly think that someone who has done really good stuff before might do some good stuff again. Or at the very least, interesting stuff.