David Boring

Okay, you guys are just naming a bunch of things that I found incredibly awesome when I watched MI2 as a 12 year old. Also, it introduced me to John Woo. So yeah, best of the series as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah, this model is sort of at the point where it's feasible for artists that already have a pretty large fanbase. Sure Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails were able to sell records for whatever their fans want and still make a profit, but let's face it, those guys would have moved tons of records regardless of how they

Speaking of, does Louis C.K. give anyone give anyone else a kinda Dickensian vibe? Like, this corpulent lonely old balding dude as the sole caretaker of a pair of angelic golden-haired little girls? I dunno, I can just sorta picture him traipsing around Victorian London with a cane.

What? If I remember correctly, 2 was the good one.

Yeah, I have no idea how this season could be regarded as inconsistent. It's been just about uniformly above-average.

I'm not sure what everybody was hoping for with Fat Mac that it's been such a letdown for you all. Mac got fat, and there are some jokes about it, and a single episode where it's the focus. If it were any more than that, everyone would be complaining that it was a gimmick that took over the whole season.

@avclub-ee747fb8ead4ffd91ecbfd0708d73a5e:disqus  This gets my vote for "Post That Sounds Like Hyperbolic Pretentious Bullshit But Is Actually Pretty Much Entirely True" of 2011.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus  Yeah, nah, you were kinda being a dingus in that thread there though.

I heard a lot of people found that section boring, but I thought Eschaton was hilarious. Maybe more so for the fact that the kids launching nuclear strikes on each other are like 12 or 13 years old, while the seasoned old guard of near-graduates watches on, stoned in lawn chairs.

What? No. Clerks is the only good Kevin Smith film.

Hockey pants do exist… but that phrase does not make any sense in the context Batman says it in.

@avclub-adb4c903674d579c1a43dbf3ae93f077:disqus This discussion is probably over, but I want to point out that those "fat people" you're talking about are strong, explosive as fuck, and do all the running the skinny positions do while maintaining a 700lb deadlift. The reason they're huge is because they have to

Huh. Three whole threads and you still haven't given any actual reasons for why you thought this episode was so shitty.

Man, this one was fucking golden! My favourite meta-bit was that all the characters becoming flanderized versions of themselves, except Charlie who seems to be far and away the most reasonable one.

The whole "yellow peril" thing is an established trope of hundred year old English literature. The television show is trying to adapt a hundred year old series of books and be faithful. So yeah, minor.

Yeah, I have no idea what they were going for with Moriarty. The last ten minutes feel as though they could have come from another show, but that in itself was kind of interesting for me. As in, they've been able to maintain a consistent feel to the show, and now it seems like they're deliberately throwing in

I also have no idea why people like Kung Fu Hustle.

Yeah, I still think Scott Pilgrim sucks but damned if Ms. Robinson didn't just convince me to give it a second watch.

Yeah but when Patton Oswalt tells the sky cake joke, there's an implicit understanding that he's oversimplifying or fabricating. Most people do not have trouble suspending logical thought if the trade-off is something funny. Then, as a result, they don't actually take the joke to heart.