David Boring

Nope, Dreamcatcher is hands-down fantastic. I think AV Club did a my year of flops or something on it, which is essential reading.

"Both those are automatically more exciting than a sport performed by
real athletes who don't stop for 45 minute periods, with no provision to
stop the clock"

If I remember correctly, the Counterfifth Detective is the only story that's really just straight-up Chandler homage, as opposed to being just noir-influenced. Figuring out everyone's alliances and motivations is meant to be as much a joy and pain in the ass as it is in the Big Sleep.

“When it comes to being gay, I’m in the big leagues.”

"Um, you do realize this book was translated from Japanese, correct? And
that the prosaic style utilized by the translators is not actually

This, this, this. Miller's work's grown sloppier, but it's still identifiably his. DKR would look a lot more like DK2 had Miller inked it himself.

I'm not convinced you're aware of how old Chucks are if you think they were fresh or awesome in 1991. Change the year, and that statement could have been made by your hipster grandad, hipster.

@avclub-924153ca91e2e45a61965e9b33f870f2:disqus  I like how those guys addressed your argument pretty well and called you out on being a condescending dick, respectively, and then you countered with: A)  Knee-jerk 'fanboy' accusations, B) Sweeping generalizations that ENTIRELY IGNORE their criticisms, and C) Acting as

No actually, that's a pretty commonly held opinion.

Gonna second puncturedjesus's defense of the art. I haven't read 1969 yet, but unless there's been a SERIOUS drop in detail, that "underdrawn" remark is way off-base.

Everybody keeps saying this as though Miller's been taking crazy pills for the past ten years or something. As if this is some new, unexpected development. His stuff was ALWAYS LIKE THIS. Only difference was, writing stories for major DC and Marvel characters reigned him in a little and kept him restrained to more

Fight Club is fun as fuck. Just a really slick, flat-out entertaining movie.

For all intents and purposes, your grandma is pretty much right though, yeah?

Yeah, I was gonna say. Christ is she irritating, but she in no way deserves to be lumped in with Rosie O'Donnel in the looks department.

@avclub-ce6c92303f38d297e263c7180f03d402:disqus Which do you think is more likely? That computing will change so much that old files will become inaccessible to anyone? Or physical film getting lost or damaged?

The Futurama pilot is alright in retrospect, but I remember at the time it was being hyped to high hell and was a massive let-down.

New Futurama episodes bad? The Simpsons movie not bad? You guys are taking crazy pills.

I don't really agree with Juan's criticisms, but I am a little baffled that THIS was the episode out of the past four to get an 'A.'

Heh, yeah I never really understood why that was meant to be taken as such an incongruous combination.

You media types get screeners at least a week or two in advance, yeah? How does that stuff NOT get leaked? I mean you would think there would be at least one unscrupulous journalist who ends up uploading the rest of Breaking Bad season 4?