David Boring

Yeah, that was fucking hilarious. Between the cruiser, the aztek, and Marie's station wagon, the White driveway is like a litany of failed automotive designs.

What? No. This one and the last one were good. But this one was REALLY good.

I'm seeing Walt dying at the end for sure. I would very much like to see Jesse come out okay - he's the one I think is not beyond redemption - but he's done some seriously horrible shit too. I can see Jesse getting out alive, but not without repercussions.

Aw yes, I was trying to remember the name of that movie, thanks.

You mean the spineless milquetoast who nearly murders Shaun? Come on. Shaun's big character-turning moment is taking responsibility for himself, and the people he cares about. That's heroic, even if he was a complete slacker up until then. Moran's big character-turning moment is almost shooting a defenseless Shaun

@Janet: yeah, I thought that was the point. Pretty sure Frost and Pegg said they constructed it as the perfect date movie: Gory zombie violence for the boys, romantic comedy for the girls, and clever raunchy humour for both.

Man why is there NOT a real-life Los Pollos Hermanos? Delicious, spicy fast-food chicken? Maybe some garlicky rice or cajun-spiced french fries on the side? There is no excuse for this not to exist.

Sorry rawbun, don't know enough about film to accurately assess what they're doing with the picture there. You're likely right.

You're addressing the inexplicably fondly-remembered BBC Office too, yeah? Because the pain-to-laughter return on that one was like 20:1 for me.

How funny is that, eh? First season, he was a stock 'goofy uncle' / 'asshole cop' character. Then they round him out to be one of the more compelling and badass characters.

I was a little disappointed that Hank stopped him cold. I like seeing Hank impassioned about his minerals.

When has Jesse NOT dressed like some fuckhead sixteen year old

The slow-burn is pretty much Breaking Bad's signature, and the writers deliver so nicely that I'm inclined to trust them. BUT. Take a look at the first eight episodes of the show. Then take a look at the first eight episodes of this season. I'm having an increasing amount of trouble defending against the "nothing

Sure it's a scene that we've seen played out in a million mob movies over the years. But it was executed really competently. Very suspenseful, and I dug the saturated colours. And more importantly, it leant a lot of as-of-yet-unseen weight to Gus's character, and his relationship with the cartel.

B+?? I dislike grade bitching as much as anyone, but this is nothing short of a cold 'A'. Dat fuckin tio.

Yeah, exactly. I'll see a 'B' or 'C' after the theatrical run if I'm interested in the film. I'll pay money to see an 'A' or 'F' in the theatre.

I know people whose opinions I respect and taste I share who genuinely like Modern Family.

This interview doesn't make him look particularly good though. I kinda boils down to "I'm tremendously popular so any criticism of my act is invalid."

"Shame on you, AVC… Please take the high ground."

I like the idea of that website, but often find its estimates pretty far off.