
bless you child

sunny has been ridiculously good this season. Big Break, White Trash, Mac's Mom, King of the Rats…i've been crying laughing at this show a lot more than i cried about the cave of frozen memories.

Abed=Jesus was better than this episode. easily my 1st or 2nd favorite of the season.

giving internet writers' lives' meaning by quoting them in your facebook status? ANOTHER CHRISTMAS MIRACLE.


i have only a very faint idea anymore of what people mean when they bemoan the lack of "normal" community episodes. like people said, what about calligraphy? what about trampoline/mean girls?

tossin thought he was alone in the world, but now he's found I'm on The Internet. it's a christmas miracle!

"feelings"? like in middle-school?

i didn't think of it much when i watched it (and maybe i'm just being contrary by nature), but yeah, i think the letter is supposed to be literal. we're talking about the person who probably knows abed better than anyone else (amirite?) abed's mom, more than anyone, would probably see the value in being honest with

criminally underrated.

took me a while to get into it, but i now think Suburbs is their best, or at least their most cohesive album.

@stringer: very nicely laid-out response to Mimi.
not everyone who hates this season is anti-Zoey. i have some gripes with Zoey's personality (she just seems fickle), but i still like her more than Lily (i'll take a gold-digger over a credit-card-addict school teacher). I think Ted/Barney/Marshall/Robin can be as

yeah, i'm not against the unreliable narrator gags, but i thought it was just a cute way for them to reveal the pregnancy. The final reveal was much more horrifying. Knowing that in December 2011, i'll probably be watching horrible Lily/Marshall b-plots ripped from the neonatal era of Mad About You is torturous.

mimi's right. this episode was much better than A Very Hurley Thanksgiving, though.

@mimi: all blonde women are red-herrings.

"but i'm not sure that i like where Ted/Zoey is headed"

@John & Mark:

@ J.P.: "And then why was it pointed out to us, after Troy made the decision not to drink, that alcohol makes people sad?"

Uncle Rusty's right

people in Connecticut used to protest against Gilmore Girls.