

vanderwerff: "my favorite season of [The Office] was season 5"

more important question: what's the over/under for at what minute there will be a haltingly awkward sex scene?

baumbach is really trying to do nothing right now
it's very brave at his age.

but is farscape as good as arrested development???

some people have AA. haysoos has AV

400 comments of people saying "wait, community is saying drinking is bad? i like drinking?"

"like sexual heroin for dudes."

"you always say yes to everything."
kinda sunny's take on sitcom humor. this one reminded me of Stella.

i like that i like that. it's a little bit of an exaggeration but i see your point but i like it. i take it as a complement.

Today Now is better than Arrested Development. especially the one where they learn to pretend to give a shit about politics. or

i agree with HAL-9000 about when it said "the Monsters of Folk album was awful"

not trying to hate on the people defending cassadaga, but to me, it sounded like everything I didn't want out of a Bright Eyes album. I've learned to like Four Winds. but Soul Singer… or Make a Plan to Love Me? no thanks.

wait, what's the problem with Bright Eyes?

"best verse in the history of hip-hop"—i don't agree with this, but it's my favorite verse on MBDTF fosho.

you listen to new Young Money releases hoping for "thematically wonderful"?

more like Karla Yo Da, amirite?

What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

you mean Fragilty? remember when Dexter couldn't kill that guy at the beginning of season 2, lolz.

couldn't we just set up a avclub user account for him to confront his demons?