
the huge nerd is right.

and spontaneous

if you're hoping that community is going to last 4 seasons, then you seriously are dedicated to eventually experiencing an emotional reaction to it's ending!

shipsters: i'm tempted to incessantly mock you all, but i appreciate that all of you are spending so much time thinking about community rather than going to see part 1 of a certain movie about a wizard courting his best friend's younger ginger sister.



i'm endorsing subway justice's comment (and now there will only be 999,998 more comments about it)

i was under the impression that people who are bothered by the idea of jeff and annie are probably not going to be convinced to not be bothered by it, and people who love Jeff with Annie are probably not going to be convinced not to love it, regardless of what specific ages anyone deduces for them (because we know

apparently 90% of posters are watching Community from the "when will it be okay for me to say that this show might be as good as Arrested Development on AV Club without being chastised as a blasphemous heathen?" perspective.
it's the "2nd coming 'ship"


yeah annie's blowing off language was my favorite joke of the episode. that annie! she's always employing kantian reasoning and taking someone's opinion and following it to its "logical" conclusion! good thing no one does that in real life, in politics, or in AV Club comments!

makes sense. i've never seen eyes wide shut. i suppose a lot of the more specific 80s and 90s movie references go over my head. i guess i just took it as a more general "Britta likes to smoke weed or do drugs once a while and she would probably qualify it by saying it helps her be creative. at the same time she

fuck yeah tossin & Scanner ship

we should start a band!
we should own a bar!
i can totally jump that!

@Don't Worry:

great episode. great review
"be careful what you pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be."

my god
unregistereds are really impressing me with some brilliant comments about this trailer. not only does this movie look hilarious, but i watched the green lantern trailer right after watching this, and holy shit, that abomination made this trailer look even better.

glad someone else feels like this way about the two shows: i failsies tried to get people to discuss the similarities on a thread for last week's community.

AV Club is a gateway drug.

i'll definitely take train in vain over should i stay or should i go. train in vain might be poppy in comparison to a lot of clash songs, but it's really not too much more poppy than greats like lost in the supermarket or all the young punks. i can never remember which songs are joe's and which are mick's