

haven't seen starship troopers or battlefield earth, but i still appreciated the analogy.

I clearly lost the game after reading this comment.

i too, was wondering after listening to this album, "Cudi, why are you so sad?" Wikipedia says his dad died when he was 11. Seems like a good excuse for a couple of middling emo-rap albums.

who knew?
blunts could prevent wars and save the world?


she becomes storm….i mean jean grey. no wait, mystique. i think. the invisible woman, kitty pryde, Dagger, Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacey, Cassandra Nova, Rachel Summers, Egwene, Nynaeve, Misty, Britta, Courtney

that list was legend——wait for it!

I feel so interminable!

those american comedy television show writers are a bit lazy eh?

is colbert's impersonation of o'reilly missing the mark too? you've got a great point that Palin is (or at least her advisors are) calculating/conniving, but if you're going to impersonate someone, it's likely only to be effective if your impersonation syncs up with the public's view of that person. i suppose that

@hendel: really? sarah palin is like kanye west? while both are serious egotists and suspicious of the media, kanye is one of the best composers alive right now. if you don't like rap then i guess you won't like his music, but the most offensive thing he's ever done was be rude at the VMAs to a pop star. Sarah

@superdeformed: i think community has more in common with northern exposure than it does with any other show on right now. the "main" characters of both are professionals who think they're better than everyone around them (and it's kind of a "fish out of water" thing). abed reminds me a lot of ed. the britta/jeff

@neytiri: thanks for the explanation. i really enjoyed the trampoline storyline as well. glad we can agree that community's the best show on tv. hope you didn't think i was being an asshole about asking how it is to be you. the fact that Sunny doesn't crack your top 8 sitcoms (i put it on the same level as

i heard he turned down the role of dumbledore. also i don't think dumbledore's sexuality was revealed until the character had already been cast twice (first actor died amirite?) anyway, you're question is hilarious, especially in light of the whole "james earl jones = darth vader = white" thing.

the character is a very hot 19 year old spoiled jewish girl who used to be addicted to uppers. i think she's supposed to be annoying. i think that's what this whole episode was about. i find it hard to imagine existing as someone who wouldn't find the "joshua is a racist" reveal hilarious. what is it like to be

@ winchester: i didn't pick up on this stuff. good call.
@todd: nice review man. gotta agree with you when you say "we watch this show for immensely different reasons" cause this was nowhere near my favorite episode, but it was a really good one. the thing i liked about this episode was that there were a lot of

i thought the trampoline storyline was an allegory for weed. obviously pierce says "are you guys on weed? give me some. i'll smoke you under the table."

jyqm, i entirely agree with you.