
Who knew "Mexican street festival" was the one event that could bring literally everybody together? I also like how apparently every Jesus scene starts from the place of "what's the absolute worst choice he could make?" He is consistently the lowest ranking Foster.

I think more the latter. When they introduced Renee in season 7, they essentially gave her a "learning to be like Jack" arc where she went from being a bit of a loose cannon to full on torturing suspects, both psychologically and physically. Kate, on the other hand, already seems to be in that place, and the focus

Was it just me, or did anyone else get chills during the scene with Kate threatening Navarro in medical? I'm asking because the scene felt like it was staged to echo the climactic season 1 scene where Jack is threatening to shoot Nina in the CTU parking lot and Mason and Tony talk him down from it. It really feels

Put a cork in it, Zane!

I loved Birgitte's speech to the New Democrats about defining the party—it was pure Borgen, from her kind words at the beginning to the difficult truth that the party all these people were devoting their lives to might not be the right place for them, to the mixture of smiles and dejected frowns that met her

I feel terrible, because for a couple of scenes I kept thinking Nete was Sanne.  Which…why isn't Sanne at the New Democrats' office making coffee and finding the worst possible times to tell Birgitte she has a visitor?

Who won LCK?  Hardcore rooting for Kristen but still can't bring myself to watch it.

Hugh Acheson always reminds me of Dexter, whenever he's acting all casual and friendly to get close to a potential victim.

Hugh Acheson always reminds me of Dexter, whenever he's acting all casual and friendly to get close to a potential victim.

What about the TCB sequel Dagger of Amon-Ra, a thrilling mystery where you could die by not looking both ways before crossing the street?

Um, I hope one of the other editors is going to say something to Claire Zulkey, who is obviously making a cry for help here.

$5,000 or no, Ashley's dress made pretty much NO ONE forget about Emily Thorne.

Did anyone else notice that the shot of Walter sitting in the chair facing the speakers is pretty much exactly the old Maxell "blown away" logo?

Nice to see the granddaddy of Dystopian fiction getting some recognition. Besides the casual sex, they had pretty awesome "celebrations of justice" that were basically public executions where they melted people. More people need to read this book.

More like this
I want more TV show CTOTDs. Does FlashForward have commentary tracks?

@Scrawler I read it as Iris not being proud of the affair because it meant she'd betrayed Laura, and also because in the narrative, she registers little more than pity (and even disapproval) at Alex. It's only in the Blind Assassin excerpts that we get a feel for their relationship, and even then we're led to believe

I think Alex had a cardboard cutout component to him as well. As Rowan pointed out, we never really get a good sense of what he's up to, exactly. Let me back up- when I say "cardboard cutout," I don't mean he's a boring and predictable character. I mean that, like Richard, Iris never takes the time within the

@Scrawler I guess her MPDG traits come out of the frustration everyone else (even Iris, at times) feels towards her inability to just accept the status-quo. Her constant questioning, her odd beliefs, and her desire to live life outside of the narrow parameters set for her by her father and Richard (with support from

Didn't see this before I posted my comment, but to officially "third" it, yeah- the lovers' story is definitely "The Blind Assassin" novel.

The Novel
With regards to what Rowan said- I had always read it as the portions of the book dedicated to the unnamed couple discussing the man's "Blind Assassin" story as being portions of the actual novel "Laura" wrote.