
I really, really wanted Marry Me to be good. I knew it wouldn't be Happy Endings good, but it didn't have to be as terrible as it was.

Dan Mother Fucking Scott is going to be on this because of course he is. I admit to loving Paul Johansson; he is such a good douche bag villain.

Lin-Manuel just wrapped up filming Mary Poppins, so he likely wouldn't have been able to host.

I agree with so much of what you said, but I can't add insightfully to it so I will just bitch about how I HATE when people clap during the damn In Memoriam.

I mean, it was always going to be compared unfavorably to last year because of Hamilton, so I guess I grade on a curve. I felt most of Spacey's bits were weird, but the show wins major points with me for keeping the bits fewer and further between while having more about the actual plays. (I too loved the writers

The plan is for CXG to run for 4 seasons; that is the plan that she and Aline came up with. I would really, really like to see all 4.

WhiJo is one of my favorite characters ever because he is the only one (except occasionally Heather) who sees all these nutjobs for who they are.

My favorite really depends on my mood, although Little Plastic Castle was my introduction to Ani and therefore holds a special place in my heart.

A Juicy Lucy is a burger with the cheese on the inside.

Yeah, Friends will be in syndication forever.

Also, Jacqueline overheard her husband on the phone with the robot and thought he was cheating, so she threw a dinner party to catch him. She was relieve when she found out it was a robot but then became increasingly jealous of the robot. The robot also stole Titus' thunder, so Jacqueline and Titus killed it and

I loved Kimmy's definition of PDA, followed by something like "I always get it wrong when I go the other way."

Wait, this show is getting a second season? I watched 2 episodes out of morbid curiosity and it was excruciating.

“I didn’t think people would threaten to murder me or mobilize people to murder me,” she said.

A lot of people were outraged when Seton Keough was closed; I'm guessing this quashed most of that (although there are always going to be people who think the victims lied because believing them would up-end their world).

Women outnumbered the men in the school, but everything revolved around a religion in which these men were the most powerful and were meant to be trusted/obeyed at all costs (this applies to both the students and the faculty). One of Jean's brothers talks about seeing his father go to confession and thinking, "well,

I'm sure this will be a novel and nuanced film with a completely unexpected ending.

With the cashews, I could believe that maybe she didn't know what the word was; IIRC, she seemed to know what cashews were once he described them. With the dating app, though, it seemed like she'd never heard of such a ridiculous thing, which is insane.

I'm sure I've said this before, but smiling, charming-yet-smarmy Bobby Canavale is my favorite Bobby Canavale. He was so good in this role. You could always feel the undercurrent of something bad, but it never broke through (well, until everything came out).

When Titus realized he was the villain, I started hearing "I'm the Villain in My Own Story" from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend in my head. And honestly, thank God Titus realized, even if only for a bit, what a pain in the ass he was. I binged all 3 seasons straight, and by the end, he was starting to grate on my nerves. (I was