
That shirt thing bothered me way more then it should have. That is a heretofore unrecognized pet peeve of mine. At least the shirt was Arnold's and they didn't just hand wave the fact that Dev had a shirt big enough to be a dress for Francesca.

Note to be nasty, but it makes me feel better to know that guy isn't a professional actor. He was… not great.

But see, that's not what these safe spaces actually are. In reality, they are places within campuses (not entire campuses) where people who have been marginalized (based on race, sexuality, gender, etc.) or traumatized (e.g., victims of assault, persons with PTSD) can go to discuss these issues.

… are we sure it isn't?

I am 100% sure I'm going to hate this, and yet I can't not watch. It's going to be terrible, but I won't be able to look away.

Well, we know how badly Trump wants to fuck his daughter, so that makes sense.

Bless you, Internet.

That made me legitimately laugh out loud. It's funny because it's true.

And button your fucking jacket.

That is how women are supposed to dress for a meeting with the Pope. Why, I do not know.

Plus, then we wouldn't have had to deal with the inevitable "Gina with a baby" scenes followed by "Wait, didn't Gina have a kid somewhere?"

I might get sick of him if he were on every episode (maybe), but damn it was good to see Pimento again. Jason Mantzoukas is so, so good in that role. If there were an Emmy for eyeball acting, he would have won it with that scene with the cocaine. Good lord.

John McCain is an embarrassment.

I watch all of the Chicago shows except this one. I thought it was badly done and the characters were unlikable. I'm happy it got cancelled so now when they do one of those events that links all of the shows, I won't have to watch this one.

On one hand, I can see how that would be annoying. On the other hand, it is a compliment that people want to see more of your work, so relax.

I don't get why people feel bad for her. She knew who she was selling herself to when she got into this mess.

Needed at least 20% more Marshmallow, but at least we had the return of Beefsquatch.

Charming douche bag is my favorite Bobby Canavale role. He was terrific and really lifted the episode. Francesca is half baked at best, which is a shame because the actress is charming. I really don't think this season needed a relationship storyline; if they were going to do it, they should have done it better.

And yet, O'Reilly lives. I feel like that's proof that you can't hate someone to death.

His pronunciation of YOLO was perfect.