
I have only heard bad things about this and yet part of me still wants to watch because of the cast. Yes, I realize that will make me part of the problem.

I don't give a shit what he paints. He's an anti-vax loon and I wish he'd fade out of the spotlight permanently.

Also, just realized how old this article is. My bad.

I feel like if you dedicate several years to a sitcom, they almost owe you (the viewer) a happy ending. Come on. It's a sitcom. Give me the finale to Friends or Parks and Rec any day of the week.

As much as I LOVE Cristin Miliotti, I was OK with her character dying. (I'm not marking spoilers because the show went off the air years ago.) It would make sense as a framing device; why the hell is Ted telling his kids this story? Because their mom died. However, I hated that it then went to him just wanting to get

It's a terrific show. As noted, the actor who plays JJ does have CP, although his is less severe. They strike a great balance between trying to have JJ be as normal as possible, which includes not letting him get away with anything just because of his CP, and having the family have discussions about the fact that JJ

Reading this makes me appreciate Speechless even more. It would have been so easy for that show to just spit out ridiculous stereotypes and inspiration porn, but instead it does a great job of portraying the whole family realistically (well, as realistically as you can be on a sitcom) and is funny as hell to boot.

He makes my skin crawl. He's a douchey dude bro who finds himself hilarious, and his shtick involves cramming as much food into his mouth in a single bite as possible while some poor camera person does am extreme close up. I cannot stand him, which is a shame, because I would love his shows (yes, even Guy's Grocery

Re: Mike Tyson. "But it marked the end of his acceptance by a populace that had previously looked the other way on his violent and unpredictable behavior—something that it continues to struggle with through every Hangover cameo and Adult Swim cartoon."

But they broke up. Rachel calls it a break up the next morning. Is sleeping with someone else the same night a smart thing to do when you want to get back with your girlfriend? Of course not. But she broke up with him, he thought she was already with someone else (and either had been previously or was keeping him

I hated that story line, but I wonder if I would have liked it earlier on. I mean, by that point, we'd already had multiple couples within the friend group (well, 2, but 3 if you count when Ross and Phoebe started to hook up in a flashback episode), Joey had liked Rachel but it wasn't reciprocated, Rachel liked Joey

Cujo was before they were together.

Rachel: "It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!"

Before. I actually always hated that because Rachel is not that fucking stupid.

Martin's quote is a paraphrase of a quote from the episode being discussed (said by spacey Isaac).

I like when he's sitting in Central Perk calmly eating cotton candy and talking about how he had to be medicated "on account of my rage."

I mean, Ross got more and more tiresome as the show went on and he started being written more broadly, but he really did have his good points. When Carol and Susan were getting married, Carol's parents weren't going to come and so Carol considered cancelling the wedding. Ross was the one who talked her into marrying

But then again, she often purposefully tried to goad him into arguments. I'd be annoyed with her on occasion, too. I mean, there was one time when she argued enough to get him to acknowledge her side and then mocked him for doing so.

Yes, it was when Jennifer Coolidge did a guest spot. It supposedly happened before the show started, so it's not something we would have seen.

Originally, Chandler and Monica were supposed to be the main/central romance. It was changed to Ross and Rachel, but I'm glad they went back and revisited Chandler and Monica.