
If I had to guess, I'd say it was the fact that Abbie basically got pushed aside in season 2 for more screen time for Katrina. Season 2 was the Ichabod and Katrina show, and it was frankly bullshit.

And even though the Katrina turns evil plot was stupid AF, there are SO many places they could have taken it that would have been better than what they did.

I didn't realize it hadn't already been cancelled. I loved season 1, slogged through season 2, and allowed my love for season 1 to force me through season 3. However, without Beharie, the show just wasn't worth watching to me, so I didn't even try season 4. If the writing had still been great, I MIGHT have tried

Who would have ever thought a relationship that involved Jake Peralta would be one of the most adult on television? I really love what the writers are doing with Amy and Jake. The relationship comes up but it doesn't take over, and they aren't introducing all kinds of artificial conflicts just to fuel the show.

I feel like there's a pretty good chance we'll get more Andy Daly, though. I don't know if he'll go full Wunch, but I can imagine more sparring with him in the future (I hope).

"…the situation is a lot more nuanced than that!" Was that a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend reference, or do I just see references to that show everywhere because I'm obsessed?

I want to like gin, I really do, but I just can't. I like the smell, though. I might have to try some of the lighter ones.

The return of delicious flavor!

Those short, squat bottles are great because I've been looking for something that will take up more precious real estate in my tiny shower AND be extra hard to hold with wet, soapy hands. Thanks Dove!

"I would have brought the cow." That's a great little moment from Jasper.

We know that Louise is closest to/most like her father, but I love how much that was reflected by their nearly identical reactions to Linda's sneezing everywhere. You could have switched their lines and it would have still worked.

They left enough loose ends that could provide material for season 2. The original 13 reasons are handled, but other stuff happened while Clay was going through the tapes and several story lines were left unfinished.

I also read an interview in which they said a lot that got filmed was left on the cutting room floor, so even what they envisioned for their 13 episodes had to be pared down further.

Yes to all of this. If you're interested in the murder mystery, maybe pay attention.

It was weird that Ray was there, but at least they came up with a little bit of a cover story as to why Dylan was there. I mean, she's in 7th grade. I thought it was a good episode overall. Ray finally developed his own opinions and went the right way, even if it was his "one chance to kiss a girl." (Cold, JJ; ice

I refuse to believe that Jason and Polly are the only Blossoms to hook up/procreate.

Skeet never did it for me back in the day, but damn, he looks amazing now.

Seriously, fuck Fred Andrews.

She'd get along with Jack Donaghy.

A broom on a stand could pass as an attorney at the Riverdale police station.