
We'd learned before that his name was Bo Derek (whatever his last name is; I forget). Bo being short for Bilbo was a nice touch.

I feel like Cheyenne has trade school smarts and if she found the right program, she could do really well and make a good life for herself. She's ditzy, but I do think there is a brain in there.

I rewatched this yesterday and discovered that I missed the fact that the cake topper, which featured a groom holding up a bride who had her legs around his waist, was blurred. I love this show so much.

And if his contract was loose, I'm surprised they didn't recast. As I said above, they apparently had to rewrite to use Reggie less, which doesn't make sense. Why not just reshoot the few scenes that were done (their couldn't have been many) and recast instead of redoing the plot?

I don't know that I believe a town small as Riverdale is capable of running its own ballistics test. They would have to send it out, which would take longer. Maybe it was just the same caliber. Or maybe I'm an idiot for trying to apply logic to Riverdale.

It can be 2 things!

I love Ross Butler, but I'm not sure why they didn't just recast Reggie when Ross got 13 Reasons Why instead of doing rewrites so that he's barely featured. Even if it would have required reshoots, it wouldn't have required that many because Reggie wasn't in much and if they had time to rewrite, they couldn't have

Also, basic girl code: If you like a guy, even if he doesn't like you back, your friend can't date him without permission. Permission should be given (either freely or grudgingly, depending on the situation), but it must be obtained first.

In the pilot, we were introduced to the idea of Perfect Saint Betty, and I believe that's how Archie would see her. Of course, now he (and everyone else) are starting to see that she's human. Still, he can't be attracted to her yet, because I think Kevin was channeling the writers' intentions in the pilot when he said

Plus, he'd just found out that his best friend and… er… friend group acquaintance were conspiring against his dad, that dinner with the girlfriend's family about which he had been so excited was a setup, and that girlfriend knew it was a setup. The kid's had a rough life, so of course he isn't going to take this well,

Between the milkshakes and the fact that you know all food in the Blossom household is coated in maple syrup, I sense gestational diabetes in Polly's future.

Which would follow the tradition of CW teen dramas (or at least One Tree Hill, the one with which I am most familiar).

Joaquin was at the dance before Archie and Veronica, because he and Kevin were dancing when Betty came up to ask Kevin if he'd seen A&V, who walked in at that moment.

Also, I assume the child was supposed to be Harmonica, but I wonder why they felt the need to age her up that quickly. Harmonica shouldn't be walking yet, should she? (I have lost all sense of time.)

Jeff's "What am I supposed to do with this?" when Glenn handed him Harmonica was perfect. I love how by the end, he adored that little girl. I'm a big Michael Bunin fan, so I'm always happy for the return of Jeff, even if it was awkward.

He's also not always great to Bow, which… dude, your wife may be annoying sometimes, but she is hot and successful and puts up with your weird antics.

I love that Zach Anner was on this show. He's a great fit with the rest of the cast, and I hope we see more of him. He's hilarious. I loved that Kenneth went all out to get not only JJ but also his chair upstairs, as well as his scream of "What kind of disabled hating person designed this place?!"

I don't know about that. Maya has had issues with Kenneth, but she's always been very cognizant of the fact that he really does love and is good for JJ. I can see Maya's weird line of thinking about how an able-bodied kid would be in Provo (ha!) by now, but I don't think she would ever think Kenneth was dumping JJ

"…and Johan…was in France or something?" Am I the only one who immediately said, "At least I know where France is." Anyone?

In general, I hate when writers make one of a character's defining traits that he or she is a stickler for proper grammar but then don't write that way. Get a consultant or stop giving characters that trait. Some of us notice.